Display graphics in Home Assistant that are using datas from an influx database


I’m using Home Assistant Core, and i would like to display graphics in the dashboard that are not using entities like sensors, but instead displaying datas from an influx database.
For example, i have a serie of datas like this one : image
I tried to pass those datas to a sensor by using an influx sensor and making him query all these datas, but it ended up making a mean of all them because it seem it can only have one data.
I also tried to create a custom sensor, to add datas in it one by one and to change add time but it doesnt seem to work.

If someone knows the way to do it, either by using sensor entity or directly feeding a graphic with the influx data it would really help me.

Thank you in advance

I use Grafana for this.

I used to use Apex charts, but no more, so not sure it still works.

Thank you for your answers, i also found the solution of apex chart, but it wasnt exactly the best for me, so i finally chose to use iFrame in panel mode, to display a completely custom html page hosted by a flask server and displaying graphs in it with chart.js, to have complete control over it. Ill stick with it know i think, thank you again.