Display jpg-file on epaper


I want to display the album cover on a waveshare epaper of the current track, played on my media_player.

I use a text-sensor to retrieve the url from the image. With node-red I copy the jpg to the directory “/esphome/picture”. When I use this way (docu) then the image is compiled and static. How can I link the file and the display shows the new content, if the file is changed? Is it possiblie?

Thank you

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I’m not sure it fetches the images from the LAN.
I have a feeling it’s flashed in to the device.

You could try with giving it two images to switch between every few seconds, then power it with a power bank and get out of range.
If it still displays the images then it will not work, I think.

It won’t update. And an epaper isn’t a good device to display an album cover. So I’ll use it for typically information like artist, track and album.

Did you find a solution to this problem? I’d like to display images too but as far as I understand it is not possible.