I try with no success to display on a matrix LED max7219 a JSON value from a MQTT topic.
My message is displayed in the logs. But I can’t display a part of this JSON message on my LED matrix.
The full JSON is displayed but I just want the value of PAPP : 400
My json looks like : ‘{“PAPP”:400,“IMAX1”:90}’
Like I said : The full JSON is displayed: ‘{“PAPP”:400,“IMAX1”:90}’
but I just want display the value of PAPP : 400
I try with on_json_message and subscribe_json but I think I don’t have the good synthaxe
No problem for the Quick read.
But I don’t understand your answer.
I don’t need a online parser.
I need to parse the JSON message and the value of the PAPP key in the display block