Display of multible Helper entities in History graph not possible?


i recognized a strange behavior with my history graphs?

by adding more than one entitiy into a history graph card, usually all of the entitiies are shown as a horizontal graph, when its a binary.entity, or when temperatures, all entities are shown as graphs in the same graph window… (see examples screenshots below)

but this seems NOT work with multiple Helper Entitys like input_number.* or schedule.*?
then “No state history found” is shown instead?
i would like to note, that all the entities i tried, do have history states and can be shown correctly used stand alone…
here some examples, in History Cards it looks the same…

multiple binary entities…

a single shown Helper…

two Helpers => not shown…

does anybody have the same expirience?
thank you in advance

Did you change your recorder include or exclude filters?

hi @tom_l ,

yes you´re right, i had excluded, but i had forgotten :frowning:
but i was cheated by the display of the history graph!
Why it is showing a history for an binary.sensor, when it´s not present? when adding a second binary.sensor to history view then its recognizes, that it´s not available?
see screenshots below.
for any other string sensor value it will show "no state history found" instantly?

first both single binary.sensory beeing exlluded from recorder

then both together?


That could be a bug. You should open an issue,