Display Oilfox Data

just look at post no. 72

Hi Kitas,

Sorry, but can you point me to post 72?
Or is it possible to search the forum after specific post numbers?

I’m not a guru in this stuff! :wink:


sorry. it is 73…

Hi, I am having the same issue, but I am not sure where and what to change in the workflow. Maybe you could upload the “updated” workflow here so I could import it from scratch.
Thanks a lot!

Exactly this I’ve done in this post:

Copy the code and import it in nodered.
Then change user an pw (in Login-node) and the device-nr. (Get Summary-node).

Thanks a lot, didn’t see that before, it works now of course :wink:

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Hi I got everything “sort-of-running” I seem to be able to connect to the server, but I get a “State must be defined.” error in the flow (at “fillLevelPercent” and “fillLevelQuantity”.

any idea what would cause that?

Also, the 404 in the summary leaves some questionmarks… the deviceID is exchanged, of course…


all good now. Typo in device ID solved the issue…

In the mobile app is writes ONO… but it actually is ON0 [ZERO].

Best, goeste

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