Display platform and Fully Kiosk Browser component

This is great, thanks for the work.
I just installed Fully Kiosk on a tablet and I am using it always on to control HA.
I like the motion activation of the screen, though it only works at a fairly close distance. I will also test the sound activation. Also looking forward to giving TTS a go.
I’m using an automation like @myle’s to keep the battery level between 30 and 80%.
I am also using the generic camera component. I don’t know if this is the best way to do it. It is working in the sense that I see some images, but I don’t understand if I can control the update interval of the image and its size:

  - platform: generic
    name: K107 Tablet
    still_image_url: http://tablet_ip:2323/?cmd=getCamshot&password=fully_password
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I’m using the latest version and still can’t use the TTS feature…

Can someone help? An example on how to use?


I know this is an older component but i have been using for some time to monitor battery on a wall tablet and its been working great

I just updated to 0.88 and i now get an error

Integrations need to be in their own folder. Change display/fully_kiosk.py to fully_kiosk/display.py. This will stop working soon.


hey @lerroy_b,

yes, this is related to some changes in the dev side. you can find this here: https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2019/02/19/the-great-migration.html

I think the change should be done both in the path to the config and the component itself. This is how I understand the change.

hope this helps!

I have raised this as an issue on github: Issues with version 88.1 · Issue #7 · daemondazz/homeassistant-displays · GitHub

as follows:

Home Assistant release with the issue:
Last working Home Assistant release (if known):

Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Windows/etc.):


Description of problem:
As of 0.88.1 a warning is shown:

Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support (but were silently accepted before 0.88). Please find and remove the following.This will become a breaking change.

  • [name], [host], [password]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 70).
  • [name], [host], [password]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 74).
  • [name], [host], [password]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 78).
  • [name], [host], [password]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 82).

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml entries and (fill out even if it seems unimportant):

#tablet battery
  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: Dining Tablet
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password
  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: Lobby Tablet
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password
  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: TV Tablet
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password
  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: 'Nexus 10 Tablet'
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password

I have started a new thread relating to the above issue here:

I have created a Pull Request to fix this issue for HA 0.88+. Do give it a spin! :slight_smile:

Once this PR is reviewed and merged by @daemondazz then this platform should be compatible with future Home Assistant versions.


I’ve pushed some changes that fixes async problems with the display component and fully_kiosk platform and also have done a bit of a refactor to simplify things a bit.

Please note the names of some of the services have changed, so check the README file out for details.

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Thanks for this component !
I installed it on HA 0.93 and it works perfectly for my Archos Hello 10 tablet.

Wanted to use this for a tablet and HA, but I have the custom compact header installed which needs javascript. How do you enable javascript in the Fully Kiosk browser? I looked through all the settings but don’t seem to be able to find it. Is there something special I need to do?

Works brilliand on 0.94.0 so far.

One questoin though: How do you “call” an URL?

  - alias: '[Kitcehen] Turn On'
      platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - service: display.turn_on
      entity_id: display.kitchen_tablet
    - delay: 
        seconds: 2
    - service: fully_kiosk.screensaver_stop
      entity_id: display.kitchen_tablet
    - delay: 
        seconds: 2      
    - service: display.load_url     
      entity_id: display.kitchen_tablet
        url: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8123/lovelace/1

But I don’t think the ‘data’ part is correct - well it doesn’t work :blush:

EDIT: Well actyally that did work :blush:.
For some reason I had to reboot my Tablet and then it worked.

Hey man,

Just letting you know you did an awesome job with this one. It took me a few hours to get it setup, didn’t know the ‘#’ in the secrets.yaml would cause it to comment out the password. If possible could you add some states in your documentation on how to pull those I had to go through the comments to check it but in the end I managed to get it working.


Hey guys,

I ran through the breaking changes of the 104 and 104.1 update, but couldn’t find anything regarding this.
But after the upgrade I get that the integration was not set up?

What did I miss?

EDIT: Missed the _init_py file update that was fixed along with the 104 update.


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Yep, 0.104 removed the groups.all_xxx entities, so had to remove the setup for that.

Hey, what’s the news on this component since HACS? I was using it to turn off the screensaver on my kindle tablets when a person was detected outside to bring up the camera feed… But since I moved to HACS, I lost this component and am not able to add it as a custom component… Any chance of bringing it up to date?

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Going to answer my question as it doesn’t seem like this will make it into HACS and others might be forced to move off this component when they go to HACS too. I ended up implementing the screensaver functionality just with a shell command integration by adding this to my configuration.yaml:

  fully_kiosk_stop_screensaver: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST 'http://[YOUR_FULLY_KIOSK_IP]:2323/?cmd=stopScreensaver&type=json&password=[FULLY_KIOSK_PASSWORD]'"

You can actually replicate more or less all of the functionality of this component in similar ways. There are some good guides to get you started here, here, and here. It’s also worth noting that this does work on homeassistant supervised (formerly hass.io), at least for me.

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i get the following when i restart HA. what i should I do?

What command would I send to control the brightness?

Use this:


got this from here:

This has seemed to stop working with the latest HA update.
Running the following version:
Home Assistant OS 5.13
Core 2021.6.1
Supervisor 2021.05.4

I have not changed anything in the YAML.
it has always been:

  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: Bathroom Tablet
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password

since the update it will not let me reboot unless i remove the above from the YAML.
it comes back and says:

[2743349152] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Component error: display - Integration 'display' not found.
11:50:46 – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Component error: display - Integration 'display' not found.
11:50:46 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor

anyone else had any issues?