Display platform and Fully Kiosk Browser component

i get the following when i restart HA. what i should I do?

What command would I send to control the brightness?

Use this:


got this from here:

This has seemed to stop working with the latest HA update.
Running the following version:
Home Assistant OS 5.13
Core 2021.6.1
Supervisor 2021.05.4

I have not changed anything in the YAML.
it has always been:

  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: Bathroom Tablet
    host: ''
    password: !secret http_password

since the update it will not let me reboot unless i remove the above from the YAML.
it comes back and says:

[2743349152] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Component error: display - Integration 'display' not found.
11:50:46 – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Component error: display - Integration 'display' not found.
11:50:46 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor

anyone else had any issues?

Same issue here with the June updates. I ended up having to comment out the display platform to be able to reboot, but as a result lost all functionality.

Same issue here. Got config error and had to comment out to get back up and running.

Saw you were having the same issue as I was. And discovered that @GuruPG opened an issue on GitHub. Seems to be resolved, haven’t tested as yet personally. Thought you’d like to know.


Update 6/8: Confirmed it works now with the updated build. Did have to edit the manifest.json to read “display” instead of “displays” though.