Display status map in lovelace

May I please ask if there is any card on lovelace that can be customized to display color based on value? Something like colored gauge that is there, but whole card like in this example:

Thanks, Jan

I use the custom:button-text-card to do exactly that.
The top part is the button-text-card.
The gages I am showing for reference the the colors I have the cards change to based on that value.

If that is a Grafana display, which it looks like, then you could just import it as a camera image.

Thanks. Yes example is from grafana status panel, but I am struggling how to install add-on to grafana plugin in HA OS. I do not know id of the plugin so I cannot add it to grafana configuration. Source for panel is here: https://github.com/Vonage/Grafana_Status_panel

Search influxdb & grafana install here and there is a thread that in it will walk you thru setting up a camera to take from grafana. I can’t give you the example now since the drive I had grafana on decided to commit suicide and I just haven’t got around to replacing it.

Or, you can use the button text card, which I think is what you want.

That is not a problem, I use both Influx and Grafana. The problem is that the Grafana Status Panel is not part of standard grafana installation and it cannot be installed from within Grafana settings, only from github.