Display "sub attribute"


I try to display in a map (entity or other) some of the information contained in sub entity of this entity.

Of course I didn’t find anything…

Thank you for your help.

entity: switch.schedule_94325e
state: waiting

  - 0DT0000T0200A0C01
  - 0DT0200T0400A1C01
  - 0DT0400T1000A2
  - 0DT1000T1300A3C01
  - 0DT1300T2359A3C01
  - service: set_temperature
    entity: climate.daikin
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: 21
  - service: set_temperature
    entity: climate.daikin
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: 19
  - service: set_temperature
    entity: climate.daikin
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: 18
  - service: set_temperature
    entity: climate.daikin
    hvac_mode: heat
    temperature: 22
  - entity: input_boolean.thermostats_ac_on_off
    match_type: is
    state: 'on'
  - entity: input_boolean.thermostats_away
    match_type: is
    state: 'off'
next_trigger: '2020-12-02T10:00:00+01:00'
friendly_name: AC Normal
icon: 'mdi:calendar-clock'