Display SystemMonitor in a new tab

Hello all :slight_smile:

I’m a very beginner in this very powerful solution, I’ve installed it yesterday and since this time I’m trying to make things :stuck_out_tongue: With more or less success… But now I begin to be stuck with something I though would be simple.

I can’t manage to display SystemMonitor information elsewhere than in default_view tab.

Some code now :

in : /config/configuration.yaml

group: !include groups.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml

in : /config/sensors.yaml

- platform: systemmonitor
    - type: disk_free
      arg: /home
    - type: memory_free
    - type: processor_use
    - type: last_boot
    - type: since_last_boot
    - type: network_in
      arg: eth0
    - type: network_out
      arg: eth0

in : /config/groups.yaml

  name: Geekerie
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:cast-connected
    - sensor.systemmonitor

And, well, it just display nothing at all. On the default_view every single sensors are visibles…

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks for your help.

Take a look in the developer tools (menu on right side) for the states tab.

See that link for more information.

Each option you specified will be an individual sensor. They will be listed in this states tab. See below for an example on how mine were named to give you and idea what to look for.


Thank you it kinda works ! :wink:

But it’s not really rendering like your file so I’ll show you what I’ve done :

In groups.yaml

  name: Geekerie
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:cast-connected
    - group.group_sensor

And then, later in the file, I’ve write, inspired by your code :

#### SENSORS ####

  name: Informations Système
  - sensor.processor_use
  - sensor.memory_free
  - sensor.disk_free_home
  - sensor.last_boot
  - sensor.since_last_boot
  - sensor.network_in_eth0
  - sensor.network_out_eth0
  - sensor.speedtest_download
  - sensor.speedtest_upload
  - sensor.speedtest_ping  

And yes, it create me a nice card with everything shown. By the way, I was expecting to have those little oranges bubbles on top of the page instead of a new card, for my information why it isn’t the case ?

(sorry if my english is weak, I’m trying my best :wink: )


  name: Geekerie
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:cast-connected
    - sensor.processor_use
    - sensor.memory_free
    - sensor.disk_free_home
    - sensor.last_boot
    - sensor.since_last_boot
    - sensor.network_in_eth0
    - sensor.network_out_eth0
    - sensor.speedtest_download
    - sensor.speedtest_upload
    - sensor.speedtest_ping  

Im assuming your using the standard UI. You may want to look into lovelace. The biggest advantage to me is that you can make changes and have them show without a restart, just refresh the page. Unless your on a fast machine, the restarts can take up a lot of time as you tweak things.

Thank you for your answer, I won’t try your code since I really wanted this card interface but like I said, I was just expected to see orange sensors. Now I see how to have then and how it works.

For Lovelace, I’ll give it a try for sure, but having to rewrite everything scared me a bit. I guess it’s better to do it now that I haven’t many things than later.

I’ve so many others questions :smiley: I’m trying to find answers on my own but I think you’ll see me later.

Thanks again.

There are conversion scripts. I didn’t really understand that it would be so easy at first. I used the Hassio add-on to make the conversion and it copied my configuration exactly as it was in the standard UI and made a new lovelace file for me. There are non Hassio options also.

You can convert at anytime. Just wanted to make you aware of the option as not having to restart can save a lot of time.

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