I would like to display a website on my main page like a component.
Is that possible with HA ?
I would like to integrate surfing forecast directly on the default view …
The request that i have to send is that
If somebody has a idea !
For information i use weblink to open my link in a browser but i would like integrate the content directly on the webpage.
a feedback to explain how i success to integrate my data.
I used phantomjs with rasterize.js to export my data into an image.
Thanks to the new camera (local file) component i display this image on the frontend.
A cron update this image each hour.
my script
#!/bin/sh cd ~/phantomjs/phantomjs-linux-armv6l-master/phantomjs-1.9.0-linux-armv6l/bin/ ./phantomjs ../examples/rasterize.js 'http://www.francesurfinfo.com/affiliation/getPrevision.php?_setAuthCode=9JJx-ULjHH-zrNM&_setAccount=jkPI-PM40J-NmhH&_setDomainName=www.lacanausurfinfo.com&_setPrevision=SURF.MAREE&_setTypeExport=HTML&_setSpot=0jYh-swUvT-4koV' /tmp/test.png
and my config
platform: local_file
file_path: /tmp/test.png
name: surf
June 21, 2016, 3:07am
Great! Do you have to install anything or just referencce to the script? Can you post more detailed instructions? This is cool! Thank you!
Hi Dracoy,
I follow that
Download the archive and extract the binary:
$ cd /tmp
$ wget https://github.com/aeberhardo/phantomjs-linux-armv6l/archive/master.zip
$ unzip master.zip
$ cd phantomjs-linux-armv6l-master
$ bunzip2 *.bz2 && tar xf *.tar
The binary phantomjs is located in the bin directory:
$ ./phantomjs-1.9.0-linux-armv6l/bin/phantomjs --version
once installed, you can take screenshots from website like my example.
This information provides from https://github.com/aeberhardo/phantomjs-linux-armv6l
wow this is truly awesome! a game changer maybe?
This can integrate almost any webpage right? For example, you can snapshot a weather forecast web page and display it in the front end.
I will give this a try and post back!
works great, but doesnt seem to work with SSL webpage. is there a way to do that?