Displaying and sending data to hassio

I’ve created a code in esphome but now I ran into 2 issues.

  • I can’t display global variable on the screen connected to my esp32.
  • I can’t send data back to hassio via homeassistant sensor (it does not show up in hassio like my other sensors that are coming from this esp).


  - id: bbq_desired_temp
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: probe1_desired_temp
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"

  - platform: max6675
    id: maintemp
    name: "BBQ Main"
    cs_pin: GPIO5
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    device_class: "temperature"
    state_class: "measurement"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    update_interval: 30s
  - platform: max6675
    id: probe1
    name: "Probe 1"
    cs_pin: GPIO32
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    device_class: "temperature"
    state_class: "measurement"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    update_interval: 30s
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: hass_desired_probe1
    name: "Desired Probe 1"
    entity_id: sensor.desired_probe1
    attribute: probe1_desired_temp

The code for my screen:

      - id: page4
        lambda: |-
          it.strftime(40, 0, id(font_14), "%I:%M%p", id(my_time).now());
          it.print(5, 16, id(font_12), "Probe 1");
          it.printf(10, 34, id(font_14), "%.1f C", id(probe1).state);
          it.print(82, 16, id(font_12), "Desired");
          it.printf(82, 34, id(font_14), "%.1f C", id(probe1_desired_temp));
          it.line(5, 28, 64, 28);
          it.line(80, 28, 105, 28);

Everything shows up but the id(probe1_desired_temp) part just duplicates the id(probe1).state for some reason.

You defined probe1_desired_temp as an integer, so change the it.printf to:

it.printf(82, 34, id(font_14), "%d C", id(probe1_desired_temp));`

Via platform: homeassistant you can only IMPORT values from HA to the ESP. So if you change the value of such a sensor in ESPHome, the changes are not EXPORTED to HA.

Cool thanks

So what’s the best way to send data back to hass from a global variable?

A template sensor, see Template Sensor — ESPHome

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