I’ve been trying configure an entities card to display the state of a group contact sensors as Open/Closed instead of On/Off. My group is defined like this in my groups.yaml
Patio Sensors:
name: Patio Contact Sensors
- binary_sensor.patio_back_door_contact_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open
- binary_sensor.patio_middle_door_contact_access_control_window_door_is_open
- binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_7_pro_access_control_window_door_is_open
I have a sensor defined like this:
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{%if states('group.patio_sensors') == 'on' %}Open{%elif states('group.patio_sensors') == 'off' %}Closed{% endif %}
I’ve used various combinations of these to try get the behavior I want.
Using this yaml in an entity card, I get the Open/Closed on the card, but clicking the card only does not display the separate entities.
- entity: sensor.patiosensors
type: custom:multiple-entity-row
icon: mdi:door-closed
name: Patio Sensors
value_template: |-
{%if states('group.patio_sensors') == 'on' %}Open{%elif
states('group.patio_sensors') == 'off' %}Closed{% endif %}
style: |
:host {
{% if states('group.patio_sensors') == 'on' %}
{% endif %};
Just to be clear, I want to see the Open/Closed state on the card, but the separate entities in the more info.
Is this possible ?