Displaying values as currency

I have an energy monitor, plug in type. I want to display the cost of energy in a Lovelace card.
My problem is that if the “cost” has a trailing zero i.e 1.70 the zero is not displayed. Obviously mathematically that is correct.
Presently I am using a template…

        unit_of_measurement: '£'
        icon_template: mdi:currency-gbp
        value_template: "{{ ((states('sensor.sm112_02_energy_today') | float) * 0.1352 ) | round(2) }}"

As an example, if the result is 1.70
Displaying this in Lovelace is shown as 1.7 £
I would like it shown as £1.70

Hope that makes sense.
Thank you

value_template: "{{ '{:.2f}'.format(states('sensor.sm112_02_energy_today') | float * 0.1352) }}"

Thank you for that Petro, that really helps. Lovelace still shows the £ sign at the end put I think I can work with that. Thank you very much.

It always puts the unit_of_measurement at the end. You can make custom UI stuff that moves it around.

value_template: "{{ '{:.2f}'.format(states('sensor.sm112_02_energy_today') | float * 0.1352) }}"

I used this code, but when i add this sensor to gauge card. it display Entity is non-numeric.
How to gauge card display with format currency.
Thank so much!

and a unit_of_measurement.

can you give me example?

It’s in OPs original configuration.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "sensor_name"
      unit_of_measurement: 'vnd'
      value_template: >
        {% set watt = states('sensor.sensorname')|float %}
        {%- if(watt >= 400) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + 253600 + 283400 + (watt-400)*2927 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 300) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + 253600 + (watt-300)*2834 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 200) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + (watt-200)*2536 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 100) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + (watt-100)*2014 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 50) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + (watt-50)*1734 %}
        {%- else -%}
        {% set money = watt*1678 %}
        {%- endif-%}
        {% set money = money*1.1 %}
        {{ "{:.0f}".format(money) }}

this is current config.
if i change to

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "sensor_name"
      unit_of_measurement: 'vnd'
      value_template: >
        {% set watt = states('sensor.sensorname')|float %}
        {%- if(watt >= 400) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + 253600 + 283400 + (watt-400)*2927 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 300) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + 253600 + (watt-300)*2834 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 200) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + 201400 + (watt-200)*2536 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 100) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + 86700 + (watt-100)*2014 %}
        {%- elif(watt >= 50) -%}
        {% set money = 83900 + (watt-50)*1734 %}
        {%- else -%}
        {% set money = watt*1678 %}
        {%- endif-%}
        {% set money = money*1.1 %}
        {{ "{:,.0f}".format(money) }}

gauge card show error “Entity is non-numeric”

yeah, remove the comma. Comma’s in numbers aren’t supported.