I’m using a ShellyEM with the stock firmware and have the device successfully added to Home Assistant but the device only provides the following values.
Is there a way that I can also have the Amps as well in Home Assistant? I would like this value to be updated so the recorder will be accurate as time changes.
In Home Assistant this is how the entities appear.
Thanks for the pointer. This is what I came up with for my templates for my device names.
- platform: template
friendly_name: Shelly EM channel 1 Current
unique_id: current_channel_1
unit_of_measurement: "A"
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.shelly_em_channel_1_power') | float / states('sensor.shelly_em_channel_1_voltage') | float) | round(2) }}"
unique_id: current_channel_2
friendly_name: Shelly EM channel 2 Current
unit_of_measurement: "A"
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.shelly_em_channel_2_power') | float / states('sensor.shelly_em_channel_2_voltage') | float) | round(2) }}"
I don’t think “A” is the right unit of measurement but I’m currently working through docs. Also, under developer tools the template tab is a great help!