Distance display for kids

I have a three year old, they do not have a lot of patience. Nor do they understand time. So I made this physical display with servos that shows how far away mom and dad is, and whether they have left home or not. The way it works is that the proximity sensor publishes mom and dad’s distance via MQTT. Since I work further away I have chosen kilometers for me and meters for my wife. It just gives a good resolution for the next step.

When the distance is published, it is picked by a Wemos ESP8266, which subscribes to both mom’s distance and dad’s distance seperately. When the distance is recieved, it is mapped onto servo degrees from 0-90, showing relative to the two workplaces and to home.

As a small extra feature, there are lights at both work places as well as in the home. When someone arrives at work, the light comes on there. When they leave, the light goes off. It’s a quick way to see if they left yet. When both entities have arrived at home, the light at home goes on. Cozy : )

The display is made out of pvc, two micro servos and a wemos 8266. The dials feature on the top a car driving for me, as I drive to work, and my wife is running wigth a suitcase. Also, my work has a wrench on top of it, since I work at a workshop.

I posted a video on my company page here, if you want to see it in action:

Also, pictures:
