Distributed HA instances and data collection

Hey all,

I was wondering if there is a way to pull data of different other Pi’s in order to get the data into Home Assistant.
My current Pi3 HA setup is running in my study, but does not have the reach to be everywhere.
1st example, setting my Pi Zero up to also collect data from MiFlora sensors. It is already close to the sensors. But how could i extract data from it? Do I need to setup HA on that Pi too? If so, how do I get the data out of it?
2nd example: i want to get readings through GPIO pins in my utility closet and need another Pi, because im not gonna pull the wires through the house. How can i collect data there? For example using this: https://home-assistant.io/components/binary_sensor.rpi_gpio/

Is there a manual for these situations already available?

Kind regards

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