DIY Family Calendar (Skylight)

DIY Family Calendar (Skylight)


My wife has been recently bombarded in social media with ads for smart home calendars and was ready to spend over $300 on one. Before giving her green light I asked to for a chance to research them and after comparing various options, I realized that most offered similar functionality but differed significantly in price.
Most importantly, I didnt see any outstanding feature that I couldnt implement somehow in our Home Assistant setup and decided to try to tackle it before giving in to the purchase.

The Plan

I looked at vids and documentation of Skylight, Cozyla and Hearth Display and noted functionality and asked my wife for feedback of the features, which where musts, and which were nice to haves. Also, she preferred the aesthetics and UI of Skylight, which I used as inspiration for this project.

Previously, I experimented with building smart mirrors and wall dashboards. These worked but never got full WAF which is why my wife was so drawn to commercial smart calendars. I had an unused mini PC collecting dust (maybe could even use a Raspberry Pi). The only essential hardware purchase was a touchscreen monitor because that was a non-negotiable feature.

Why DIY Instead of Buying in my case?

Choosing the DIY route with Home Assistant provided several benefits:

  • Seamless Smart Home Integration – Works with Home Assistant and other smart devices.
  • Repurposing Old Hardware – No need for expensive proprietary devices.
  • Lower Cost – I only needed a ~$100 touchscreen monitor.
  • No Recurring Fees – Avoids monthly or yearly subscriptions.
  • No Vendor Lock-in – No risk of obsolescence if a company shuts down.
  • Customization & Expandability – Modify and add features anytime.
  • Single App Management – Everything remains within Home Assistant.
  • Flexible Placement – Can be moved around the house instead of a fixed wall mount. Including the “must” countertop option.

Features & Requirements

The final DIY smart calendar had the following features:

  • Touchscreen interface for easy interaction.
  • Countertop-friendly design for accessibility.
  • Family-wide and individual event views.
  • Event filtering by family member.
  • Two-way calendar syncing with external platforms.
  • Direct event creation from the touchscreen.
  • Aesthetic inspiration from the Skylight calendar.
  • Future Expansion Possibilities:
    • Task and chore tracking.
    • To-do and shopping lists.
    • Smart home controls.
    • Camera integration.

Hardware Selection

For the touchscreen, I found a 15-inch HP touchscreen on Woot. I considered generic brands ($50-$80) but chose this model due to its:

  • Built-in speaker
  • Webcam
  • Microphone

These extras enable potential upgrades (maybe some are undoable though) such as:

  • Barcode scanning for grocery tracking.
  • Face recognition and presence detection.
  • Voice control.
  • General audio output.


This project was a personal DIY build. I am not an expert in Home Assistant, UI/UX design, or hardware development. Expect some hacky solutions, and there’s room for improvement!

How I Built It

The core system relies on Home Assistant helpers, custom cards, and integrations, including:

  • Browser Mod
  • Week Planner Card
  • Bubble Cards
  • Grocy (for tasks, products, and lists)
  • config-template-card**

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Setting Up Family Profiles

Each family member was assigned a person entity in Home Assistant, allowing:

  • Profile picture assignment.
  • Individualized access control.

2. Creating & Syncing Calendars

Each family member received a dedicated Google Calendar:

  • Individual calendars for each person.
  • A shared “All Family” calendar.
  • Birthday and holiday calendars.

These were shared with my wife and me, allowing direct edits from Google Calendar. Integration into Home Assistant used the Google Calendar integration with read/write access, generating entities like:

  • calendar.familymember1
  • calendar.familymember2
  • calendar.birthdays
  • calendar.holidays_in_united_states

3. Implementing Calendar Filters

Since the Week Planner Card doesn’t support hourly views, I implemented filtering via regular expressions (regex). Each entity could display all events (.* ) or no events (^$ ).

For each family member, I created an input_text helper ([person]_calendar_filter ) to dynamically control event visibility.

Then for each calendar, we need to create a script to show/hide events based on regex for a calendar:

alias: [PERSON] Calendar Visible Filter
description: "Shows or hides events for [PERSON] Calendar"
  - data:
      entity_id: input_text.ander_calendar_filter
      value: |
        {% if is_state('input_text.ander_calendar_filter', '.*') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    action: input_text.set_value

4. Calendar Scripts

With the filters created we can focus on scripts for the functionality:

alias: Add Google Calendar Event
description: Create an event based on All Day or Timed selection
  # Check if it’s an all-day event or not
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.calendar_all_day_event
            state: "off"
        ### NOT an all-day event ####
          - action: google.create_event
              entity_id: calendar.{{ states('input_select.calendar_select') | lower }}
              summary: "{{ states('input_text.calendar_event_title') }}"
              description: "{{ states('input_text.calendar_event_description') }}"
              start_date_time: "{{ states('input_datetime.calendar_event_start') }}"
              end_date_time: "{{ states('input_datetime.calendar_event_end') }}"
          # 3-second delay before closing pop-up
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 3
          - action: browser_mod.navigate
              path: /dashboard-skylight/calendar
                - THIS
          # Add a persistent notification that an event has been added (optional)
          - action: persistent_notification.create
              title: Calendar Entry Added
              message: >-
                Added Calendar Entry for {{ states('input_select.calendar_select') }}
                ({{ states('input_text.calendar_event_title') }})
      ### YES, it IS an all-day event ####
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.calendar_all_day_event
            state: "on"
          - action: google.create_event
              entity_id: calendar.{{ states('input_select.calendar_select') | lower }}
              summary: "{{ states('input_text.calendar_event_title') }}"
              description: "{{ states('input_text.calendar_event_description') }}"
              start_date: >
                {{ (states('input_datetime.calendar_day_event_start') |
                as_datetime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
              end_date: >
                {% set end_date = (states('input_datetime.calendar_day_event_end') | as_datetime) %}
                {% set end_date = end_date + timedelta(days=1) %}
                {{ end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
          # Similar delay to close popup and notification
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 3
          - action: browser_mod.navigate
              path: /dashboard-skylight/calendar
                - THIS
          - action: persistent_notification.create
              title: All Day Calendar Entry Added
              message: >-
                Added ALL DAY Calendar Entry for {{ states('input_select.calendar_select') }}
                ({{ states('input_text.calendar_event_title') }})
mode: single

5. Actual Dashboard

Note: I know I took some shortcuts on the layout and grid sizes, so feel free to change as needed for your own situation.

Here is the code used, broken down so you can integrate as you want.

Top Section

As mentioned, the requirement was to show time, weather, and forecast. This is pretty straightforward with just a few modifications on the font type/format/size and card backgrounds.

- type: grid
    - type: custom:better-moment-card
      parentStyle: |
        - parentStyle: |
            font-size:1em; text-align:center; margin-top:5px;
          templateRaw: |
            {{moment format=cccc}}
        - parentStyle: |
            font-size:1.5em; text-align:center; margin-top:5px;
          templateRaw: |
            {{moment format=LLLL dd, yyyy}}              
        - parentStyle: |
            font-size:4em;  text-align:center; font-weight:400;
          templateRaw: |
            {{moment format=HH:mm}} 
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background: transparent !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;
            border: none !important;

    - type: custom:weather-card
      entity: weather.[MY_WEATHER_ENTITY}
      current: true
      details: true
      forecast: false

    - type: weather-forecast
      show_current: false
      show_forecast: true
      entity: weather.[MY_WEATHER_ENTITY]
      forecast_type: daily
      name: Weather Forecast
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background: transparent !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;
            border: none !important;

Calendar Header

To show the name/header of the calendar as well as the buttons to filter calendars, add events, and change the calendar view

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: markdown
            content: <font color="Black" size="6">The Skylight Calendar</font>

      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:bubble-card
            card_type: button
            button_type: state
            entity: person.[PERSON]
            scrolling_effect: false
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            show_state: false
              action: perform-action
              perform_action: script.[PERSON]_calendar_visible_filter
              target: {}
                action: perform-action
                perform_action: script.[PERSON]_calendar_visible_filter
                target: {}
            styles: |
              .bubble-button-background {
                opacity: 1 !important;
                background-color: ${hass.states['input_text.[PERSON]_calendar_filter'].state === '.*' ? 'light-grey' : '#[HEX_COLOR]'} !important;}
          #NOTE: change the hex color as needed.

      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: name
        card_layout: large
        name: Add Event
        icon: mdi:calendar-plus
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: "#addcalendarevent"
            action: navigate
            navigation_path: "#addcalendarevent"
        styles: |
          * { 
            font-size: 1.05em !important;    
          ha-card {
            --bubble-main-background-color: #393745 !important;
            width: 300px;
          .bubble-icon {
            --mdc-icon-size: 30px !important;  
            color: snow !important;
            opacity: 1;
          .bubble-icon-container {
            background: #393745 !important;
            display: flex;

          .bubble-name {
            color: snow !important;
            opacity: 1;
            display: flex;
            line-height: 18px;
            flex-direction: row;
            justify-content: center;
            flex-grow: 1;
            margin: 0 40px 0 0;
            pointer-events: none;
            position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;

      # SELECT VIEW 
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: select
        entity: input_select.calendar_view
        show_name: true
        show_state: true
        name: Select View
        show_last_changed: false
        show_attribute: false

Calendar Section

This uses the week-planner-card with some UI mods to make it look like skylight

      #Note: Uses config template card to reduce code size
      - type: custom:config-template-card
          - input_text.[PERSON]_calendar_filter
          - input_text.birthdays_calendar_filter
          - input_select.calendar_view
          PERSONCAL: states['input_text.[PERSON]_calendar_filter']?.state
          PERSON2CAL: states['input_text.[PERSON2]_calendar_filter']?.state
          BIRCAL: states['input_text.birthdays_calendar_filter']?.state
          #Other variables
          VIEW: states['input_select.calendar_view']?.state
          # DAYS 
          DAYS: |
            (() => {
              const calendarView = states['input_select.calendar_view']?.state;

              if (calendarView === 'Today') return 1;
              if (calendarView === 'Tomorrow') return 2;

              // Check for Month, Biweek, or Week based on screen width
              if (calendarView === 'Week') return 7;
              if (calendarView === 'Biweek') return 14;
              if (calendarView === 'Month') return 28;
              if (calendarView === 'Bimonth') return 56;

              // Default fallback to 7 if no condition matches
              return 7;

          type: custom:week-planner-card
            - entity: calendar.[PERSON]
              name: [PERSON}
              color: "#HEX_COLOR"
              filter: ${ PERSONCAL }

            - entity: calendar.birthdays
              name: Birthdays
              color: "#OTHER_HEX_COLOR"
              filter: ${ BIRCAL }
          days: ${ DAYS }
          startingDayOffset: 0
          hideWeekend: false
          noCardBackground: false
          compact: false
            showCondition: true
            showTemperature: true
            showLowTemperature: true
            useTwiceDaily: false
            entity: weather.[MY_WEATHER_ENTITY]
          locale: en
          showLocation: true
          hidePastEvents: false
          hideDaysWithoutEvents: false
          hideTodayWithoutEvents: false
          combineSimilarEvents: true
          showLegend: false
          legendToggle: false
            monday: Mon
            tuesday: Tue
            wednesday: Wed
            thursday: Thu
            friday: Fri
            saturday: Sat
            sunday: Sun
            yesterday: ""
            today: ""
            tomorrow: ""
            style: |
              ha-card {
                .event.past {
                  opacity: .2;
                  background-color: gray !important;
                .time {
                  color: #333333 !important;
                  font-size: 0.8em !important;
                .event {
                  color: #333333 !important;
                  line-height: 16px !important;
                  background-color: var(--border-color) !important;
                  border-radius: 10px !important;
                  max-height: 80px !important;
                  overflow: hidden !important;
                  font-size: 1.1em !important;
                .none {
                  background-color: transparent !important;
                .today .number {
                  border-radius: 5px;
                  background-color: orange !important;
                  padding-left: 4px;
                  padding-right: 4px;
                .day .date .text {
                  font-size: 1em !important;
                  font-weight: bold !important;
                .day .date .number {
                  font-weight: bold !important;
                  font-size: 3em !important;
                .day {
                  --background-color: red;
                  border: solid 1px whitesmoke;
                  padding: 0.2%;
                  width: 13% !important;


Add Event PopUp

This uses the week-planner-card with some UI mods to make it look like skylight

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: custom:bubble-card
            card_type: pop-up
            hash: "#addcalendarevent"
            button_type: name
            name: Add Calendar Event
            icon: mdi:calendar-plus
            scrolling_effect: false
            show_icon: true
            show_name: true
            styles: |
              .bubble-button-card-container {
                ${hass.states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 
                'PERSON' ? '#HEX_COLOR 
                : hass.states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 
                'PERSON2' ? '#HEX_COLOR2' 
                : hass.states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 
                'PERSON3' ? '#HEX_COLOR3' 
                .. repeat for each…
                : hass.states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 
                'Birthdays' ? '#OTHER_HEX_COLOR' 
                : 'red'} !important;

          - type: vertical-stack
              - type: entities
                  - entity: input_select.calendar_select
                  - entity: input_text.calendar_event_title
                    name: Event Title
                  - entity: input_text.calendar_event_description
                    name: Event Description
                  - entity: input_boolean.calendar_all_day_event
                    name: All Day Event
                title: Add Calendar Event
                state_color: false
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: input_boolean.calendar_all_day_event
                    state: "off"
                  type: entities
                    - entity: input_datetime.calendar_event_start
                      name: Start Time
                    - entity: input_datetime.calendar_event_end
                      name: End Time
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: input_boolean.calendar_all_day_event
                    state: "on"
                  type: entities
                    - entity: input_datetime.calendar_day_event_start
                      name: Event Start Date
                    - entity: input_datetime.calendar_day_event_end
                      name: Event End Date
              - type: custom:button-card
                name: Add Event to Calendar
                  action: call-service
                  service: script.add_google_calendar_event
                    - background-color: |
                          if (states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 'PERSON')
                            return "#HEX_COLOR";
                          if (states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 'PERSON2')
                            return "#HEX_COLOR2";
                          … repeat for each calendar….
                          if (states['input_select.calendar_select'].state == 'Birthdays')
                            return "#33a02c";
                          return "gray";

Next Steps

I’ve also implemented task and chore tracking, but I still need to write up the details. I’ll update this post soon to cover that, along with to-do lists, shopping lists, and more smart home integrations.

I’ve also created a couple dashboards specific for this device to be able to control lights in a floorplan view cctv cameras and weather.

I’ll append these to this post accordingly when I have these writeups ready.

Current Dashboard View

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!


Nice work! Thanks!

Looking forward to Test it!

I am 100% non-skilled in this area, but I desperately want a DIY Skylight.

Would you consider sharing the super dumbed down steps to start?

Are you using/coding all this with home assistant on a computer with the monitor hooked up to it? then once complete the monitor is usable as the calendar?

:face_with_peeking_eye: forgive the dumb question.

Very impressive!
Share the entire project on GitHub maybe?

Since you seem like a productive individual;
Do you think your approach on the calendar function could be modified to show the “weekly view” as Google Calendar does?

I’ve been looking for ANY way to show my family calendar in weekly view, but with no success.


This looks amazing, thank you for sharing the code and method.
Cannot get the calendar view working :frowning: getting an error with config-template-card i think.

what error are you getting? And can you share the yaml?
Ill help you get it fixed

Yep, Ill add it to Github but I’ve been focusing on getting it right. For example I created some of the helpers in the UI and there’s no code to associate them to and post on Github. I’ll try to post that soon.

Regarding the week view, unfortunately the way the week-planner-card is developed this is not an option (yet?). There are a few requests in the forum and github to get this view; however, last I read the developer mentioned it would not be an easy change. That kind of depelopment falls outside of my expertise unfortunately.

Some people have been able to build hacky solutions but for me this works as it is. I think one hacky approach is to fill the calendar with 15, 30 or 1 hour events and then use any kind of magic to hide them. If I were to go down this route I think the way would be to generate all these with an event name that wont conflict with other entries, and then use cardmod to make those cards invisible or too small or something like that. I assume it might have some performance impacts though.

Might be worth pitching some coffee/beer money for someone to add this feature on the week-planner-card

I can try to work on an even more detailed walkthrough, but might take some time due to competing priorities. Might be easier helping you with specific issues you might have

Hi, thanks for the reply, i am getting just a blank section, no error now?
Code below.

type: custom:config-template-card
  - input_text.richard_calendar_filter
  - input_text.debbie_calendar_filter
  - input_text.lily_calendar_filter
  - input_text.ivy_calendar_filter
  - input_text.birthdays_calendar_filter
  - input_select.calendar_view
  PERSONCAL: states['input_text.richard_calendar_filter']?.state
  PERSON2CAL: states['input_text.debbie_calendar_filter']?.state
  PERSON3CAL: states['input_text.lily_calendar_filter']?.state
  PERSON4CAL: states['input_text.ivy_calendar_filter']?.state
  BIRCAL: states['input_text.birthdays_calendar_filter']?.state
  VIEW: states['input_select.calendar_view']?.state
  DAYS: |
    (() => {
      const calendarView = states['input_select.calendar_view']?.state;
      if (calendarView === 'Today') return 1;
      if (calendarView === 'Tomorrow') return 2;
      // Check for Month, Biweek, or Week based on screen width
      if (calendarView === 'Week') return 7;
      if (calendarView === 'Biweek') return 14;
      if (calendarView === 'Month') return 28;
      if (calendarView === 'Bimonth') return 56;
      // Default fallback to 7 if no condition matches
      return 7;
  type: custom:week-planner-card
    - entity: calendar.richard
      name: richard
      color: "#ffff"
      filter: ${ PERSONCAL }
    - entity: calendar.debbie
      name: Debbie
      color: "#ffff"
      filter: ${ PERSON2CAL }
    - entity: calendar.lily
      name: Lily
      color: "#ffff"
      filter: ${ PERSON3CAL }
    - entity: calendar.Ivy
      name: Ivy
      color: "#ffff"
      filter: ${ PERSON5CAL }
    - entity: calendar.birthdays
      name: Birthdays
      color: "#OTHER_HEX_COLOR"
      filter: ${ BIRCAL }
  days: ${ DAYS }
  startingDayOffset: 0
  hideWeekend: false
  noCardBackground: false
  compact: false
    showCondition: true
    showTemperature: true
    showLowTemperature: true
    useTwiceDaily: false
    entity: weather.met_office_rustington_daily
  locale: en
  showLocation: true
  hidePastEvents: false
  hideDaysWithoutEvents: false
  hideTodayWithoutEvents: false
  combineSimilarEvents: true
  showLegend: false
  legendToggle: false
    monday: Mon
    tuesday: Tue
    wednesday: Wed
    thursday: Thu
    friday: Fri
    saturday: Sat
    sunday: Sun
    yesterday: ""
    today: ""
    tomorrow: ""
    style: |
      ha-card {
        .event.past {
          opacity: .2;
          background-color: gray !important;
        .time {
          color: #333333 !important;
          font-size: 0.8em !important;
        .event {
          color: #333333 !important;
          line-height: 16px !important;
          background-color: var(--border-color) !important;
          border-radius: 10px !important;
          max-height: 80px !important;
          overflow: hidden !important;
          font-size: 1.1em !important;
        .none {
          background-color: transparent !important;
        .today .number {
          border-radius: 5px;
          background-color: orange !important;
          padding-left: 4px;
          padding-right: 4px;
        .day .date .text {
          font-size: 1em !important;
          font-weight: bold !important;
        .day .date .number {
          font-weight: bold !important;
          font-size: 3em !important;
        .day {
          --background-color: red;
          border: solid 1px whitesmoke;
          padding: 0.2%;
          width: 13% !important;


I added the colander using the week planner separately, and it worked, so i know the code from the week planner down is good, so it must be the congif-template-card part.

Sorry, i am not good with this stuff :frowning:

type: custom:week-planner-card
  - name: Richard
    color: "#ffff"
    filter: ${ PERSONCAL }
  - entity: calendar.debbie
    name: Debbie
    color: "#ffff"
    filter: ${ PERSON2CAL }
  - entity: calendar.lily
    name: Lily
    color: "#ffff"
    filter: ${ PERSON3CAL }
  - entity: calendar.ivy
    name: Ivy
    color: "#ffff"
    filter: ${ PERSON4CAL }
  - name: Birthdays
    color: "#OTHER_HEX_COLOR"
    filter: ${ BIRCAL }
days: 7
startingDay: today
startingDayOffset: 0
hideWeekend: false
noCardBackground: false
compact: false
  showCondition: true
  showTemperature: true
  showLowTemperature: true
  useTwiceDaily: false
  entity: weather.met_office_rustington_daily
locale: en
showLocation: true
hidePastEvents: false
hideDaysWithoutEvents: false
hideTodayWithoutEvents: false
combineSimilarEvents: false
showLegend: false
legendToggle: false
  monday: Mon
  tuesday: Tue
  wednesday: Wed
  thursday: Thu
  friday: Fri
  saturday: Sat
  sunday: Sun
  yesterday: ""
  today: ""
  tomorrow: ""
  style: |
    ha-card {
        .event.past {
          opacity: .2;
          background-color: gray !important;
        .time {
          color: #333333 !important;
          font-size: 0.8em !important;
        .event {
          color: #333333 !important;
          line-height: 16px !important;
          background-color: var(--border-color) !important;
          border-radius: 10px !important;
          max-height: 80px !important;
          overflow: hidden !important;
          font-size: 1.1em !important;
        .none {
          background-color: transparent !important;
        .today .number {
          border-radius: 5px;
          background-color: orange !important;
          padding-left: 4px;
          padding-right: 4px;
        .day .date .text {
          font-size: 1em !important;
          font-weight: bold !important;
        .day .date .number {
          font-weight: bold !important;
          font-size: 3em !important;
        .day {
          --background-color: red;
          border: solid 1px whitesmoke;
          padding: 0.2%;
          width: 13% !important;


In the card you are calling for the variable PERSON5CAL but you didnt define it in the variables of the config template card. Just change it to PERSON4CAL which is the right variable for Ivy’s calendar.
That should do the trick

I’m not sure if you’d be able to help but im stuck on step 4. I’m going to Settings > Automatons & Scenes > Scripts > Create New Script > Selected Google Calendar: Add Event > Edit in YAML > Pasted code
However when I try to save the script I get the following error:
Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘sequence’][0][‘description’]
I made no changes to your code and online YAML Validators say that its fine. Not sure what I’m obviously missing?

I also attempted to jump ahead to get other things working. For the Dashboard code, are you going to Overview > Edit Dashboard and pasting all the code from step 5 there?

I think it might be that you are adding one extra layer to the automation and thus the yaml gets out of sync.
Edit the script directly in YAML without selecting Google Calendar: Add Event. That part is already in the script so no need to define it twice

Settings > Automatons & Scenes > Scripts > Create New Script > Edit in YAML

I think it might be that you are adding one extra layer to the automation and thus the yaml gets out of sync.
Edit the script directly in YAML without selecting Google Calendar: Add Event. That part is already in the script so no need to define it twice

Settings > Automatons & Scenes > Scripts > Create New Script > Edit in YAML

This is an awesome project! Cant wait to try this!!

@mohesles1 Would you mind telling what you are driving this display with? NUC, raspi? Thank for all the work you put into this and also sharing.

NUC connected via DisplayPort to the HP Engage Touchscreen and mounted on a vesa mount with drawer. The NUC is hidden away in the drawer. The box on the side is a charging station for all devices at home.

Using windows 10 with HASS agent, live streaming of the webcam to detect people and turn on/off the monitor or activate screensaver depending on the schedules, also displaying in a chrome window in kiosk mode

Im planning to add undercabinet lighting and I am considering if I want to add some sort of custom frame or different/custom mounting option. If I keep this mount I’ll consider making a different drawer and potentially changing the color of the wood.

So far its been a success with wife and kids, specially many of the functionalities that wouldnt be available with Skylight, like floorplan light controls and live view of cameras

That looks really clean, Well done!!

Thanks you for the info.