DIY OneRing WiFi Light - WS2812 8mm RGB LEDs / D1 Mini Micro / ESP8266 WiFi

The OneRing WiFi RGB Light came about out of a desire to automate electronic devices in my home. After all, I am a electronics engineer of 40+ years and I still love to tinker. And what’s a better way to tinker than in your home with Home Assistant… its awesome!!! I started about a year ago installing Home Assistant (HA) on a Raspberry Pi 3 and reprogramming Sonoff devices with Tasmota. But as is often the case, you want something to fit a particular need you have. Mine was WiFi RGB lights place under bottom of kitchen cabinets to light up the counter tops. So the OneRing WiFi RGB Light was born.

OneRing contains the ubiquitous D1-Mini ESP8266 MCU connected to two push buttons (pins D5 & D6) and ten WS2812D-F8 8mm RGB serial addressable LEDs (pin D7). The photos that have the LEDs turned on are set to about 30% brightness. The LEDs in full white brighteness is about 95 Lumens, more than enough to light a counter top or small closet. The MCU comes loaded with Tasmota open source software which allows commands to be issued to OneRing through Home Assistant MQTT, Tasmota WebUI Console, HTTP web requests, or serial interface. The OneRing D1 Mini is compatible with Arduino IDE and NodeMCU. I have configured it as a Tasmota Generic 17 with pins configured for the buttons and addressable LEDs. I have two PCB holes available for mounting, but instead I just double-stick taped them under my counter shelves and plugged them into USB wall warts. I can now wander into the kitchen to raid the fridge without being stunned by bright kitchen lights (
