This seems like an old project now. For those that have built it, how has it held up? What would you do differently? Where did you buy the shade tube and material (I can’t find much info about that)?
For those that chose a different DIY solution, what was it and why?
I’m thinking about doing two of them on one window: one with a skrim/privacy shade and one with a blackout shade. Or if I can figure out how to nicely sew or join two fabrics then I will
Not worried about the software, as I’ve done a lot with ESPHome on complicated devices (I reverse-engineered a copy-machine payment processor!) at this point and feel confident I can do that.
Hello, not a super long time user of this diy roller blind, have used it for a few months now and its ticking along fine(open and close every day) so far I cant see any wear at all on the gears (pla+)
I use a 5v 28byj-48 in bipolar mode with A4988 at 12v still haven’t burned up, but it does get slightly hot.
when using higher speed it can start going the wrong way if you don’t accelerate up to it.
at least for me it misses a few steps going up so every few weeks I have to raise the blind up 1-2cm
might be I’m running it too fast…
I’ve been using this hardware and also adapted for vertical blinds for over 2 years now, they are still working fine with no replacement parts. Mine run a 5v 28byj-48 too, but I use 9v, no dropdown for my D1 minis (they are happy with 9v).
I have 4 blinds running this hardware atm. The blinds I used was just a cheap generic one.
I made my own ESPHome software for it, and that also has been running great for over a year, mine don’t loose steps and once it’s set up, it will remember the settings even after restarting or flashing.
The gear holder itself adds about 12mm + the height of the screw head for the center pin screw so 15mm for me, for the other side I use the old holder that was included when I bought the roller blind.
best of luck!