DIY Zigbee 4x DS18B20 temperature measurement

Hi, yes I do, on host ( Do you think it might be a problem? The question can be obiously stupid, but I’m pretty new… so pardon. )

Then open the zigbee2mqtt addon page.

I afraid, HA in docker doesnt support addons

zigbee2mqtt still has a gui. And even if you haven’t set that up, it has a log.

I’m so sorry, but physically the ds18b20 probe where is it connected?
when talking about P15 which pin is it referring to
A thousand thanks

P15 is marked on the module : see below (in red)



Thanks, I can connect the vcc of the probe to the vcc of the cc2530

Thank you, I’ve solved my issue with device connection. I just needed to turn the device into connection mode before discovering in HA or MQTT Explorer. So simple. One more question. Currently, I have two cases:

  1. I use zigbee2mqtt standalone client + mosquitto, messages to topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b00123e6254/set allows me switch the single digital output state. So, it seems OK.
  2. I use HA + mosquitto and public messages to the same topic (via HA MQTT integration interface), but this time nothing happens. I’ve checked, the messages are succesfully passing between HA and mosquitto but device stays unreachable.
    Question: Is it strongly necessary to have the zigbee2mqtt add-on in HA? If so, I have to change my HW platform due to I use docker (core only) version of HA which doesnt support addons at all.

No, you do not need the addon.

Do you have mqtt discovery turned on in zigbee2mqtt and in home-assistant?

Looking on you question I could assume that I’m doing something terribly wrong )). I’ll discribe my environment and most probably you’ll point me out where is my fault. So, my sandbox:

  • beagle bone black
  • debian 10, just a sligthly customized
  • mosquitto
  • docker
    HA core (discovery is turned on) integration
    zigbee integration
    and… nothing else.

P.S. When I run Zigbee2MQTT, I used separate x86 based test host.

You need to point your Zigbee2MQTT to your HA Mosquitto.

So, does it mean that Zigbee2MQTT should be present in working system either as HA addon or as standalone service?

Yes, or it will not work.

Great, it is answer I was looking for. Thanks a lot. My apologies for offtop.

Hello Doublet,
that’s exactly what i’m looking for. Unfortunately, I’m still a beginner and don’t quite understand the procedure. Does the CC2530 have to be fled first with the software from the TI Flash programmer? Could you explain that a little more precisely. Maybe I read it wrong, my English is not the best.

Greetings and thank you very much

Hi @Thomas4170 please have a look at this : Flashing the CC2531 USB stick | Zigbee2MQTT .
and: Create a CC2530 router | Zigbee2MQTT

The procedure is the same for flashing the CC2530 with PTVO firmware

Hi Doublet, meanwhile i have understood it. I designed a PCB for 6 DS18B20 and a matching housing. Maybe you are interested in it, send me a PN. Many thanks for your response.