DIY ZigBee DLMS SmartMeter Reader

Hello Guys,
I want to present my first DIY project (WIP) with ZigBee and please give me valuable input :slight_smile:
Since I got a SmartMeter I always wanted to integrate it into my ZigBee network.
I didn’t find an existing solution, so I decided to create my own with the new ESP32C6.
The target devices for this project are SmartMeters with the P1 MBUS Port.

I assembled my first prototype and think the layout is already pretty good.
Case and Software is still WIP. I’m making steady progress with the software, basic zigbee functionality already works, led and button is already integrated. Currently I’m stuck at decrypting the SmartMeter data since I don’t have much experience with encryption.

Finally figured out how the data of my smartmeter is structured and made a chart:

I don’t have much experience about how other smartmeters send their data, but hopefully it’s similar and my project can be easily used by others :slight_smile: . M-Bus-Parser and DLMS-Parse is already implemented.

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Looks like a very interesting project!
Do you plan on producing a batch of them?
I’m interested in monitoring an M-Bus heat meter, Itron CF Echo II.

@JohnConnett Yes, I plan to sell them if someone is interested.
Currently I have one assembled one in stock.
The heat meter definitely should work, but you have to modify the code a bit.
The code is not completely done but already useable. I planned it in a way that it should be easy to add new devices/drivers.

@Tropaion Found a workable solution for the Itron CF Echo II using a M-Bus Master Hat on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (running OpenEnergyMonitor).

The aim is to monitor the Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and underfloor heating (UFH) in a building at Cambridge Museum of Technology. We also plan to use a Raspberry Pi Pico W to monitor the LEDs on the UFH controller to determine when the electrothermal actuators and circulation pump are energized.

I am also considering replacing my home gas boiler with an ASHP next year. Will contact you nearer the time if I could make use of one of your devices. Possible use is connected to an MBUS heat meter and electricity sub-meter.

Good luck with your project!

@JohnConnett Sorry for the late answer, I was really busy with university.
This sounds like a really nice project at the museum.
If you want to have an assembled pcb, you can contact me anytime.
I finally have time again to work on the software and it shouldn’t take that long to finish it. Sadly I only have an electricity meter so I can’t test it on other device, but you’re welcome to test and contribute to the code with your heat meter.