DIY Zigbee light for USD 6 and coded in Arduino IDE for Zigbee2MQTT and Home Assistant

I took a couple of hours and a couple of :beer: 's and mocked up a DIY Zigbee light using the new M5Stack NanoC6 chip. You are able to code a complete Zigbee device using only the Arduino IDE. No need to have to used the more complex Platform I/O or Expressif IDE’s.

The ESP32-C6 chip is a very interesting device, in that you can use it to create a WiFi 6 device, Zigbee device or Matter device, by only uploading different software to the chip.

M5Stack does an excellent job of both hardware and software documentation for their products. And at an amazing price point of six dollars U.S.

Link to the steps I did to get this up and running is below. I still have much learning to do, however this short first pass shows the power of this ESP32-C6 chip and might give you a start to some interesting home automation ideas.


Another ESP32-C6 option to try, this one is sub USD 6 and has external antenna connection (or internal via software selection) and more pins broken out. Also looks to have some good documentation (2 deep sleep examples, how yet to see how these interact with Zigbee radio stack).

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Spotted that WeAct ESP32-C6-Mini ESP32-C6 development board can now be found for less than $4

It is a clone of the official ESP32-C6-DevKitC-1 development kit ao can use that documentation from Espressif: