HI All, I just got a D’Link DCS 936L smart camera and am wondering what component should I use to get it to work with Home Assistant. I tried using the Foscam IP Camera Component but it wont load an image/video feed. Thanks!
Your best bet would be to use Generic MJPG. You’ll need to find the direct URL of the camera though.
Here’s a place you may find it: https://www.ispyconnect.com/sources.aspx
Sweet! Next question is, how do I enable motion on the camera to start recording? or is that possible with this camera?
I don’t know anything about this camera, but if you can find a reference to the CGI commands that control it, you could use a shell command to send curl commands to it. I’m doing that with a Foscam camera to move the camera to preset positions.
Maybe this has already been solved but here I go.
I stumbled across this page when having the same problem so maybe it can helt other in the future as well.
Here is my working config:
#D-link Kamera
- platform: mjpeg
mjpeg_url: http://192.168.x.xx:xx/mjpeg.cgi
username: xxxxxx
password: xxxxxxxx
I am using a D-link 930L camera hooked up to my wifi network.
I am currently using a dynamic IP adress for the camera (havent try static yet).
Just to clarify, the username and the password are the same that you put in to the pop-up window when you try to acces the camera with your IP-adress through the browser. If you do not have a password set up for youur camera you definetely should set one up.
Hope this helped you or other people having the same problem
are you able to control the camera like motion or take picture or even start a recording?
BTW, the default username is “admin” (no quotes). This is not obvious as the app only asks for password and I see no obvious way to change it.
You can change the password thru the camera’s website… username admin, password was set via the app. From there you can make other changes (i.e. password changes).
FYI: The URL for me was http://192.168.xx.xx/video1.mjpeg
I was able to add the camera with this configuration:
- platform: ffmpeg
name: "Livingroom Camera 1"
input: http://user:[email protected]/video/flv.cgi