Dlink Smart Plug Wi‑Fi DSP‑W115

The switch doesn’t work with the standard D-Link Switch component of HA.
Please can you add support ?



My guess would be that the DSP-W245 (https://eu.dlink.com/uk/en/products/dsp-w245-mydlink-wifi-smart-power-strip) would be somewhat similar. Can somebody confirm this?

It seems so, but don’t know. Actually I’m using IFTTT to make it work inside HA, but I would like a direct connection.

Just got the same switch.
This is recognized as W215, even it is a W115. Also i’m not able to control it or see the current status.
Is there something you need to config more, than mentioned on the dlink switch docs, or is the W115 simply not supported at all?

I got the same switches and i contact the tplink support about the local webinterface to figure out a way to communicate with the devices. But they seem to not even know, that there are is a webinterface and they cant give me credentials to login into that.
I tried several combinations with admin and the device pins and some default attempt like “admin:admin” etc.
Nothing worked for me

If we could access that interface, i could probably write a component for that device.

Don’t mix up dlan and tplink switches!
TPLink works fine for me, as soon as you configure them, like the documentation says you to.
But I wasn’t able to config the Dlink switches untill i sold them finnaly.

Ah, no, i meant dlink in the first place. Sorry.
So i contacted the dlink support.
I asked about a accessable api, too. But also no luck on that.

Hello Guys,
Is there any news about DSP-W115 / W-245 integration?
I’m looking forward to join that hardware to mine HA :crossed_fingers:

I have the same problem too.
Are there any news?

Anyone that has made this work?

I used IFTTT and it works.

How? And does it work from HA?

Yes with HA. In FTTT connect with MyDlink Account and create two new applets :

Receive a web request -> Event Name (what you want) -> Turn On Plug DSP-W115
Receive a web request -> Event Name (what you want) -> Turn Off Plug DSP-W115

After that in HA

In canfigurations yaml :

key: (insert your IFTTT key)

name: Luci TV
initial: off
icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline

in automations.yaml

  • alias: turn on lucitv_switch
    hide_entity: True
    • platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.lucitv_switch
      to: ‘on’
    • service: ifttt.trigger
      data: {“event”:“your event name on”, “value1”:" "}
  • alias: turn off lucitv_switch
    hide_entity: True
    • platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.lucitv_switch
      to: ‘off’
    • service: ifttt.trigger
      data: {“event”:“your event name off”, “value1”:" "}

And yes it works. Tell me if it fits also for you.


So ive put this in config yaml file… but i get :
Component error: lucitv_switch - Integration ‘lucitv_switch’ not found.
Component error: initial - Integration ‘initial’ not found.
Component error: icon - Integration ‘icon’ not found.
Component error: name - Integration ‘name’ not found.

You didn’t use the correct identation I think.
In Configuration.yaml

  key: your key
    name: Luci TV
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline

in automations.yaml

- alias: turn on lucitv_switch
  hide_entity: true
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.lucitv_switch
    to: 'on'
  - service: ifttt.trigger
      event: your event on
      value1: ' '
- alias: turn off lucitv_switch
  hide_entity: true
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.lucitv_switch
    to: 'off'
  - service: ifttt.trigger
      event: your event off
      value1: ' '

I’m with Home Assistant 0.109.6.

And you don’t need to buy anything from IFTTT

Yes! Got it to work… Can i duplicate this to with my other plugs? Do i have to create 2 on IFTTT for every plug?

I think 2 IFTTT for every plug. After that you can create a script in HA to controll all of them with just one button.

Okay. That sounds great. Trying to add the other ones, they are in different rooms, so i will se what i can do. Main issue so far is getting them to work :slight_smile: and now it does. :):slight_smile:

Is there a way to check if they are on or off? If i activate them in my dlink app, will HA find that out?

Never tried, nut I think it is not possible :frowning: