Hassio has an integration for 1-wire directly, and via an interface adapter [DS9490R].
I have a number of DS18B20s interfaced by a DLP-IO20. The DLPs are still being sold on Mouser and Digikey, and work pretty well. The DLP-IO20 is USB based and has a simple command structure. Currently, (before my current transition to Hassio) I have the DLP-IO20 interfacing upstream to DomotiGa3. I run bash scripts to retrieve temp data, and DomotiGa3 picks it up and forms it into a status.
Now, I want to interface the DLP-IO20 to Hassio. This is my lazy attempt by simply asking if anyone has done it. If not, I will have to do something similar as I did with DomotiGa3, and work to get the data into Hassio. A nice project nonetheless …