DMX lighting


yeah dhcp,

port status: output
protocol: artnet
frame rate: 40hz
universe: 1 (although just checked and its blank so who knows.)

in ha.

host: ip address of an2
port: 6454
dmx_channels: the correct amount of channels that youre using.
universe 1

I also had to use a terminator at the last dmx.


I am thinking of purchasing a DMX/Artnet LED controller for my house and would like some pointers to if Im on the right track.

I use LED strips in my roof as main light source for most of the rooms in the house (5 bedroom house).
They are 24V CCT LEDs

Currently I control these with one Gledopto ZigBee LED controller for each LED run gledoptoZLL
In total I have 16 of these controllers stacked next to each other in a cabinet. Not ideal.
I am having frequent drop-outs from these controllers so I am looking for a more stable solution.

Since all lights are CCT 3ch each I need 48 channels.

After reading this thread I was looking to buy:
1pcs DMX King eDMX1 PRO for LAN/DMX
2pcs Bincolor BC-624 LED controller 24ch x 5A each channel Bincolor BC-624-DIN 24CH DMX512 Decoder Driver Control Led Controller

The BC controllers are specified to be able to work with CT/RGB/RGBW.

I have a 24V 2000W power source to power the LEDs controllers.

Am I missing anything or would I be able to configure Home Assistant to control my lights over ethernet/DMX/Artnet if I only buy these things?

Any other pointers or tips would be very helpful.

I’m not an expert at LED-strips, but doesn’t CCT in the name suggest Constant Current, while the controller you posted is of type Constant Voltage? I don’t think that’s a great match.


CCT means correlated color temperature and is the relation between cold white and warm white. Defined in kelvin.

Hi Morten:

A few points to (try to) help you on your way:

  • LED Strip: your CCT strip is two (controlled) channels plus supply, not 3 channels in ‘standard’ parlance. You might want to recalculate your channel count.

  • DMX controller (for Artnet–>DMX) : I think the DMX King eDMX1 looks like a safe bet based on this thread (I have no experience with it); I recently installed a Chauvet DMX-AN2 (2 universes, PoE), which works fine

  • DMX LED drivers: Beware!! These come in many shapes and forms. For my initial installation, I purchased many cheap and cheerful drivers (costing about US$2-3 per channel). This was before appreciating a couple of improtant factors: PWM rate and 8 vs 16 bit. read on for my thoughts/situation here…

To your final question (‘would these bits be enough’), the answer is yes, assuming you can get wired ethernet connection to the Artnet->DMX box, such that HA (via @Corb3000’s integration, which I now use) can control it.

A little more nuance on DMX drivers, and notably PWM rate. In a nutshell: a low PWM frequency on your driver means flickering lights, and ever more so at low brightness levels. The flickering is very obvious at everything but highest brightness when digitally filmed, and is pretty disturbing to the naked eye at the very lowest levels (i.e. a standby or night light can be so distracting as to be useless).

As disclaimer, the low-brightness PWM flicker can be partly related to/made worse by a dirty power supply.

Ok, so what to do? You will find a couple of DMX driver vendors advertising high-frequency PWM, the low flicker and in some cases talking about suitability for TV studios. I am presently (as in, this past week) looking at sampling then ordering some of these. The cost (from china factory) is about $6 per channel, and likely double that or more if you look to the OEM/re-branded versions.

Regarding the 8 vs 16 bit question: 16 bit allows smoother fades between values (and again, most valuable at low brightness). I would consider this be icing on top of a high-frequency PWM cake.

The Bincolor product you link to seems to support 16 bit but make no mention of high PWM, so beware and/or look further afield.

Hope this has helped.

Hi. Thanks for the response and sorry for delay getting back to you. I got the AN2 to work with a bit of fiddling.

From a not-concretely-documented experience I had + issuess others have seen, there might be an issue with using universe 0, but to be verified.

With it now working, I might go back and tweak (e.g. DHCP) and check on this issue.


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Thank you for your in-depth-answer.

I now have the eDMX and the BC624 in house and has started testing it.
The LED controller works as I can put it in test mode and the LED will light up.
Test LED strip are connected to channels 1 and 2 as warm and cold white respectively.
I have the LED controller setup at DMX address 001, 8 bit config.

I can now transmit data from the eDMX configuration tool and the LED respons.
For transmit testing I have to enable at least 24 channels for the controller to respond to the data. Maybe not that strange since the controller is a 24 channel controller(?).

So far I am not having any success with Home Assistant DMX integrations. I have tested both jnimmo’s and corb3000’s DMX artnet integrations.
I have tested with setting universes to both 0 and 1, channels to 24 or 512.

In the eDMX configuration tool with testing I have the art-net port address at 00-0-0 (not sure what this actually means though). Im guessing subnet 0 in universe 0, but this is my first dance with any DMX related communication. I’m attaching a screenshot of the eDMX configurations. I will also post the code I used within configuration.yaml too.

Really hoping someone who has this working can help me figure this out :slight_smile:

I found the answer :slight_smile: I didnt provide a dummy lamp on channel 24 and it seems it is required to send this. Same happened with the transmit tester so I should obviously have thought of this.

  - platform: dmx
    port: 6454
      - channel: 1
        type: custom white
        name: testCTStrip
        channel_setup: dT

Just curious I have a setup with an art-net to spi box with a addressable LED strip connected to it. and it works great in terms of all the lights turn on and they change and do everything I want it to do. However if I walk away for a little while and comeback and use the dimmer, or on and off switch function I do not get a response. once I send that command however about 5 to 10 seconds later it starts to become responsive again. I though maybe it was the light but once I turn the lights on with any DMX Lighting software, for instance onyx they resume immediately even if i walk away for a while.

Mathew, you could use the box I am using and just set multiple universes for each box or spi output. This would make you lightstrips have almost unlimited ability of leds to use. as each spi output on the boxes can use 4 universes for a total of 680 rgb pixels. making it alot of fun to configure in your yaml lmao. Need to find a way to condense the yaml myself might make a LED strip yaml. to link back to the config.

Hi there. From your edit it looks like you got this setup to a usable state. How is it working for you now? Your setup is something I am quite interested in replicating. How is flickering with those 24 channel controllers for dimming?

@Corb3000 is there a way to swap the cold and warm white brightness controls? I’ve set the type of device to rgbww, but the controls I get in the dashboard are swapped for my fixture. There are other profiles I can apply to my device, but I don’t have one that swaps those two DMX channels. I’m pretty sure my fixture has RGB Tungsten Daylight.

After updating Art-net LED to version 103cdc8 my DMX lights turn on with every home assistant reboot.

I tried adding the option “default_level: 0” under the channel settings but this was not accepted by and gave validation check fail. Rolled back to previous version of Art-net LED which resolved the issue.
Is anyone else noticing DMX lights defaulting to On after reboot with these latest binaries or just me?


Yes, I have the same problem. I added the code to restore state after startup, and it is working in my development environment, but it still had the property device_state_attributes in code. Home Assistant deprecated this property and so it was renamed to extra_state_attributes, but I have a feeling there’s more to it than just renaming the property. Old entities I had in my configuration before updating, still restore to the correct state, but new entities are always on after a restart. I’ll try and fix this and submit a new PR.

Turns out, I totaly missed the fact a PR was pushed to my repository to solve these issues. I made a new PR so @Corb3000 can have them too. There should only be one official repository.

Im stuck at the first hurdle - i installed the custom repository using HACS which seems to have worked ok-

I added the example lines into my configuration.yaml from the instructions:


Rebooted a few times…

When i press the check validation button i get this

Have I missed a step?



My configuration is very similar, but I installed the integration manually. I’d check if all files are where they should be:


Thanks for your reply.

I have just checked and the HACS installer has put the files into the correct location as far as I can tell


And no loading errors in the logs?

I think i found the issue:

2022-04-26 11:31:36 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ‘dmx’ does not have a version key in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See Custom integration changes | Home Assistant Developer Docs for more details

Is this something i am likely to be able to fix or does it need the skills of an expert?

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Thankyou very much for your help - that has cleared the error… hopefully i can control some lights tonight :grinning: