DMX lighting

Both the integration from jnimmo and corb3000 currently have an issue with restoring states after a restart. All lights will go on. You might check my branch of corb3000’s integration until the PR is accepted.

OK, thanks for this.

I now have the integration from corb3000 installed but my configuration.yaml is not happy with the indentation when pasting in the example code from the github page.

Line 140 column 7 apparently

I cant see the problem…

Also, do i have to install pyartnet manually?


This is my working config in case it helps.

Thankyou, the indentation in the example was incorrect - i appreciate your help and now have light :slight_smile:

My lightsource has a channel which is shared between dimmer and strobe. Do you have any idea if it would be possible to map a fader so that 0-100% in the UI actually changes the channel between DMX values 0 and 127?

I’m unlikely to ever use the strobe feature - it would be quite unpleasant!

Never done this, but maybe you could use GitHub - twrecked/hass-virtual: Virtual Components for Home Assistant to set up a virtual light, and add some automation to make the real light follow the virtual one, but with half the brightness? Other options would be to add 7bit channel size to the integration, or properties to set minimum and maximum output levels which would map from 0 to 100 percent, but those options involve a bit of programming. I’m willing to do that if enough people are interested in this feature. The option with the mapping would be my preferred way to go as I think more people would benefit from this.

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Thanks for the ideas, I haven’t considered using a virtual component although it may outside of my immediate expertise. Additional options to configure this in your integration would be amazing but I appreciate this would take an investment in time…something i certainly never seem to have any of.

I haven’t been able to find your branch of corb3000’s integration - would you mind posting a link?


Sure: GitHub - mvandenabeele/ha-artnet-led: DMX lighting Integration for Home Assistant. Using the HA Color Mode update and Pyartnet library to control lights in multiple DMX universes over ethernet with the Art-Net protocol.

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It seems that the DMX integration project has become a bit fractured, I feel like we need to merge the best features of each repo. Here’s the differences I found:

  • More light types
  • KiNet integration (aside from ArtNet)
  • channel_setup for custom_white (forked from corb3000)

  • Brightness curves
  • Constant light
  • Restore state on startup

Does anyone have strong opinions on which repo to use as a base? I feel like the easiest would be to merge the upper one into the lower one, though I might be biased.

On another note, I feel like the activity on accepting PRs is a bit lacking. Not blaming anyone, I just happen to have some time, still appreciate the great work that has been done before me. Though this means that I am splitting off the project.

Plan is to implement the jnimmo’s features into my repo, rename it (as it’s no longer only Art-Net) and push it as high as it can go (HACS’ default repository / core integration).

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I couldn’t agree more. In June 2021 I found myself in the same spot as you now, not knowing which implementation to choose and none of them being actively maintained. I forked both at the time and added what I needed to them. As you, I’m still waiting for the last PR to get accepted (no offense, I do understand everyone is doing this in spare time and I am very happy with the fact that code is shared on github) so I decided to start using my own repo for now. I’d be very happy to switch to any implementation that is more “alive” and contribute to that. I too feel like your implementation, forked from corb3000 is the better choice because I think transitions are better but it’s been a while since I lasted worked on any of the components, so I’m not entirely sure anymore.

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Sounds like a good idea, although I would suggest that the goal should be to integrate into core Home Assistant rather than living on its own in HACS to avoid further fragmentation.
My only must have feature wise is having an option to only send values on value change, so that it’s possible to share control with other DMX controllers if necessary.
I’m interested in adding an Artnet listener too as suspect that would be possible to get a two way state, but I have no time to commit for the foreseeable future.
Happy to add someone as a maintainer to my repo (but there are certainly more complete/better designed components out there) or to mark it as archived and point people elsewhere!


Sounds like a good idea, although I would suggest that the goal should be to integrate into core Home Assistant rather than living on its own in HACS to avoid further fragmentation.

Definitely I would like that as well and wil make an effort to get it in there. I use HACS as a stepping stone until it’s in a good state.

My only must have feature wise is having an option to only send values on value change, so that it’s possible to share control with other DMX controllers if necessary.

I’ve read your comment stating this as a hard requirement, so I’ve already been looking into this. Since currently, the transitions are built into the PyArtNet library, I might have to re-implement them anyway to support KiNet and a e1.31 sACN. I’ll make sure it doesn’t send unnecessarily. :+1:

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@jnimmo Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like merging alternative DMX sources is already properly implemented through using only the lowest channels through Art-Net and having your DMX master only control the higher channels (rounded upwards to the nearest even channel number).

I would like to update Home Assistant through getting DMX universes, but I don’t think I’ll do it at 40 FPS and I don’t think before every send as it might impact performance. The annoying thing is that I’m now committed to maintaining 3 DMX interfaces, rather than only Art-Net.

I don’t know where to make the configuration for Dmx - home assistant can anyone help and Can i use my light bulbs in a program like QLC+

Doesn’t need to be a hard requirement as there may not be anyone else needing it, but if it’s simple enough to have as an option would be fantastic.

No it’s not quite met currently - the situation is we have wall switches/dimmers which control the same lights lights over DMX as we’re controlling from Home Assistant.
The current switches only send the DMX frames on change, so if Home Assistant does the same then the lights can successfully just be controlled by whatever device was used to control them last.

I am testing both integrations, and have a few questions.
I have this issue for a another light-integration, but have a bit different issues for the hass-dmx dimmers:

The dmx-integration can remember the dim level if it’s turned on at reboot, but not if it´s turned off. If its turned off, and then switched on after reboot the dim level is set to 100%.
The artnet_led-integration remember the dim level even if it was turned off at restart, but instead it always turns the lights on to that level after restart, even if it was turned off before the restart.

I think this was fixed in my fork by @Breina

I saw that it was a few commits ahead. I change to that repository instead, and then it worked! Thanks.

I will just add my post here, maybe someone can help because I am an absolute beginner…

Hi Everyone

I am farly new to HA and currently implementing my streaming studio and living space in HA. Everything is going great but now I hit a problem and I am banging my head at a wall for days now.

I want to implement my Godox TL60 lights (Godox TL60 RGB Tube Light Instruction Manual) into HA. Goal is to implement it to routines to switch on/off and also implement it in my streaming alerts.

For that I need to somehow access it via HA. I tried first to reverse engineer the bluethooth protocoll like discrebed in this Video:

But sadly it looks like the communication is encrypted and hard to reverse engineer.

My second solution would be to integrate the lights via DMX, But the lights have Ethernet DMX ports and I am really struggeling to find hardware to connect it to my HA (I am running HA on a Syntology NAS).

Does anyone here have a solution for one of the 2 options or any idea how I could implemnt the lights?

From what I read so far it should be possible with a
Enttec Open DMX USB Interface and a the sssnake CAT5 - XLR5M adapter (sorry cant attach more then 2 links).
Is that correct?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Best Regards

If you’re running on a Synology NAS and want to avoid USB troubles, I suggest you use something like this: Showtec NET-2/3 Pocket – Thomann België . I’m using this for over a year now and never had any troubles with it.

I’m not too familiar with DMX cable conventions, but I guess DMX over ethernet cable is just another standard. DMX all goes over XLR connectors in my setup. Just make sure you’re not plugging those ethernet versions into your LAN switch panel then :wink:

To broaden merjin’s post, I’d say that Artnet (DMX over IP) is a fairly established protocol with quite a number of implementations of the ethernet (IP) → DMX (XLR-Type) kind of device.

I use a Chauvet DJ AN2, which has been pretty painless. Others have reported robust results with eKing devices.

I’m no pro on the cable connectors (my DMX is all hard-wired), but I would expect the solution to be straightforward

Good luck!