DMX lighting

I have 5 boards in total communicating via DMX, 3 of which are 16 channel dimmers and 2 are 16 channel relays. On boards with dimmers, entities with light… are perfect but on boards with relays all entities are still with light… and I have pumps, gates, power supplies, sockets connected to them and that’s why I want to change the entities from light to switch or relay.
Maybe make an implementation so we can change the device class.

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That’s an open issue that’s planned. Quite a bit refactor and will break existing config unfortunately.

Will do this after the client refactor, which is needed to have proper unique IDs anyway.


I’ve got a similar issue: various non-light things hanging off commodity DMX controllers. It generally doesn’t bother me, but was an issue with using Climate, which requires a switch entity as the heater.

I use template switches to ‘mirror’ the lights (and do some other more intricate heating-related stuff too, in some cases), and I point the room thermostats (climate) at these template (‘meta’) switches.

my 2c

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I’ve got a error in my Artnet setup and I cannot solve it by myself. Could anybody give me a fresh reply?


Logger: homeassistant.components.light
Source: custom_components/artnet_led/
Integration: Licht (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 23:55:44 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:55:44

Error while setting up artnet_led platform for light
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 281, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File “/config/custom_components/artnet_led/”, line 157, in async_setup_platform
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyartnet/”, line 60, in add_channel
raise OverlappingChannelError(f’New channel {channel_name} is overlapping with channel {_n:s}!')
pyartnet.errors.OverlappingChannelError: New channel LED2 is overlapping with channel LED1!


- platform: artnet_led
  max_fps: 25                           # Max 40 per second
  refresh_every: 0                      # Resend values if no fades are running every x seconds, 0 disables automatic refresh
  universes:                            # Support for multiple universes
    0:                                  # Nr of Universe (see configuration of your Art-Net Node)
      #output_correction: quadratic      # optional: output correction for the whole universe, will be used as default if nothing is set for the channel
        # Ledstrips
        - channel: 8
          name: LED1
          type: dimmer                  # type
          transition: 1                 # default duration of fades in sec. Will be overridden by Transition sent from HA
          channel_size: 16bit           # width of the channel sent to DMX device, default "8bit", "16bit", "24bit" and "32bit" available.
        - channel: 7
          name: LED2
          type: dimmer                  # type
          transition: 1                 # default duration of fades in sec. Will be overridden by Transition sent from HA
          channel_size: 16bit           # width of the channel sent to DMX device, default "8bit", "16bit", "24bit" and "32bit" available.
        - channel: 6
          name: LED3
          type: dimmer                  # type
          transition: 1                 # default duration of fades in sec. Will be overridden by Transition sent from HA
          channel_size: 16bit           # width of the channel sent to DMX device, default "8bit", "16bit", "24bit" and "32bit" available.

A heads up would be awesome. Thanks!

Channel size 16 bit means that every dimmer takes up 2 channels. The light on channel 6 also uses up channel 7. Since channel 7 is configured for something else, you see this error.

Most likely you meant to use 8 bit. Otherwise space out your dimmers by 2.

Is anyone here able to test KiNet? Spacemanpiff did a big refactor and would like some testers: Feedback rework · Issue #30 · spacemanspiff2007/PyArtNet · GitHub

That will mean that I can leverage his library to add sACN E1.31 and KiNet once again to the integration! :slight_smile:

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@Breina My first time posting here but thought I’d let everyone know about a recent problem I’ve encountered with the latest ha-artnet-led release. I’ve spent a couple of days trying to solve this and finally have a ‘solution’ but wondering if anyone has seen this or if there’s a better fix? Problem is this:

  • After updating from previous jnimmo version (following instructions) I could not get any DMX out of my node

  • Set node IP address in config as my PC IP and could see data coming through ArtNetominator

It turns out that the previous jnimmo version was sending the full universe packets and my node (GitHub - ArtGateOne/ArtGateOne-DMX: Simple ArtNet do DMX node for ArduinoUno) could understand this, but the latest version only sends used channels, node says no.

My workaround for now (and this was quite long winded) was to create 99 RGBWW devices in config so that the full universe is sent (I’m only currently using channels 1-6 with 2 devices). Lo and behold, my arduino started to understand the packets. I’ve now hidden all of these RGBWW devices and the system is back to normal.

I managed to figure this may have been the case as we had a similar issue a couple of years ago when developing an ArtNet controller at my previous workplace.

If anyone can think of any better way to do this or if there is a plan to add an option to send full universe in the future?

Thanks all :slight_smile:


Very nice find! Thanks for going through the effort!

I quickly added an option to enable this behaviour in v0.0.13; just add send_partial_universe=False and that will create a phantom channel 512. Will include this my new ArtNet client as a proper option.

Please let me know if that works for you.

Also added an Issue to the repository that you linked, as their behaviour isn’t fully up to spec.


Thanks @Breina, that has worked a treat! If I’d have realised I could’ve just added one dimmer at 512 I’d have saved myself a whole lot of copy+paste :rofl:

Anybody else getting weird “blinking” regularly? I’m getting the white channel “blinking” with an ENTTEC Din, a 32-port DMX decoder, and some 24V down lights. It’s happening exactly at either 3/4/6 minutes intervals, so I’m wondering if there’s a state refresh or something? not sure where/how to start diagnosing the issue…

Yes, Home Assistant refreshes the state every minute iirc. Though your LED driver shouldn’t flash when setting new values though.

Is it then also flashing whenever setting lights, or during animations (the transition setting)?

To confirm, please set the ‘refresh_every’ to 10 and check if the flashing happens on multiples of 10 seconds.

You can also download an ArtNet controller to check if that doesn’t have any issues.

so I hooked the rest of the lights up and it stopped flashing… win?

I tried that refresh_every and it didn’t work. I also changed the wires from the DIN to the decoder. neither seems to work last night, but came down this morning and haven’t gotten a blink today. :man_shrugging:

Also, is there a good step-by-step guide for setting up an environment for development?

Hm guessing it’s hardware related then? Or perhaps some interference of some other devices? If configurable, might try changing the PWM frequency of your decoder. Happy for you it works today though!

Also, is there a good step-by-step guide for setting up an environment for development?

A long shot maybe, but did you use a terminator on your DMX line? I didn’t need to myself but in an electrically noisy situation - lots of (high current) wires next to each other - it might make a difference.

I added one; I didn’t notice an immediate impact, though I can’t say it didn’t help when it worked the next day.

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I feel like this has an obvious yes or no, but I just thought of this right now.

start background
So we’re redoing the first floor and I’m going to put DMX-based lights everywhere with scene controllers. The decoder(s) I’m using (“32 Channel 96A RGBW DMX 512 LED Decoder Controller DMX Dimmer DC5-24V RGBW RGB LED Light 8 Bit/16 Bit” search on amazon because I’m not sure of linking rules) has 8 banks of 4 inputs, 2 each have a power passthrough so you can run +RGBW.

I was watching a video that made a ton of sense about how the next person in your house might not be as techie as you and might want “normal” lights, so running 14/2 along side isn’t the dumbest idea.
end background

So my question is: assuming these all have a common ground, can you just run ROMEX “like normal” and connect it to your mains behind a switch (and not home run everything) and then just use 18/5 for the RGBW and not run the + through the decoder?

Obviously it’s not going to be immediate swap out and it just works, but all the parts would be there to switch back relatively easily (i.e. wouldn’t have to run all new wires or, stupidly, try and push 110V over 18ga wire)

I would think this should work… right?

Yeah that’s the BC-632, from BINCOLOR. I have this one too for testing, but went for a DIN mounted option for the full house wiring.

So my question is: assuming these all have a common ground, can you just run ROMEX “like normal”

Yes, this is what I did as well. Used 3G16 for CW/WW lights, 5G16 for RGBW. Regular cable is cheaper than specially coloured ones, so the colour scheme is not-official. But in principle this should be re-wireable. My switches use the KNX protocol, and a DMX gateway exists for it; that’s my backout plan for if this whole HomeAssistant thing doesn’t take off. :stuck_out_tongue:

I put my dining room light on a regular actuator instead of DMX so that my wife could choose a nice 230V lamp for it. :slight_smile:

You don’t have to care about matching the labels (RGBW) on your controller, it’s all just channels. Just make sure that your power supply is big enough for all of the lights that it controls.

Long DC lines will incur voltage losses, these PSU’s can be configured to slightly overvoltage to compensate for the losses. I’ve put cable spans of similar length on the same PSU. Also there’s a risk that long PWM lines will cause the cable to become an antenna, but I don’t know if this even applies to LED controllers.

(Please ignore the mess on the left hand side, that’s for testing)

I never even thought about (for simple maths) having my power supply do 25V, losing 1V in transit and having 24V at the fixture. I’m still at the “I just barely have a basic understanding of EE” phase, so things like this don’t even occur to me. Definitely much stronger on the software side of things :slight_smile:

Been using HA for a while now and was wondering if there was a way to have HA take in DMX to control entities?

For example if I have a bunch of RGB bulbs, to assign each of them a dmx address and be able to control them from a lighting software or desk over Artnet? And any smart bulbs (non rgb, white only) or smart switches can be used as a desk channel.

I know it sounds silly but would be a pretty cool party trick.

Yes, working on that already currently.

Current implementation is very simple:


The new client will have a lot of moving parts, but is able to receive inputs from controllers.

In this case, controllers are subscribed to DMX updates of particular universes of their choice. Your lighting software or desk over ArtNet will, if functioning properly, be able to pick up HA and interface it natively.

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