DMX lighting

Try this:

service: light.turn_on
    - 255
    - 90
    - 0
    - 180
  brightness_pct: 80
  entity_id: light.kjokken_led_venstre

Under Developer Tools > Services, you can configure the parameters through the UI, and then switch to YAML format. Does seem to work here.

after browsing a bit through this long thread, I see that some of you have successfully got this working. I’m not a programmer and my whole HA setup is mainly just following other people’s how tos. Has anyone made one yet?

I haven’t seen any howto’s yet, but have a look at the great work of @Breina over at GitHub - Breina/ha-artnet-led: DMX lighting Integration for Home Assistant. Using the HA Color Mode update and Pyartnet library to control lights in multiple DMX universes over ethernet with the Art-Net protocol.. This is nowadays considered to be the official DMX integration and the readme should get you started. If you have any issue’s, I’m sure you’ll get help here.


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You got my vote…I got some dmx lighting and other DMX based devices.

Last Halloweeen I wished I could control my DMX controlled fog/smoke machine. I couldn’t because of the missing support for the DMX protocol :frowning:

Hi, Breina. I’m having the same issue with entities did not have a unique ID end i could not make automation.


@Breina Hi, Breina. Today I have installed a new clean HA only with Art-net LED Lighting for DMX and 2 light that work on / off dimmer… but i can’t do any automation because I don’t have unique id. I also added the line in /

self._unique_id = unique_id
logging.error(“THE UNIQUE ID IS: %s”, unique_id)

Please help me because I have about 50 light bulbs around the house all are on USB DMX and at least 60 motion sensors and I can’t do the automation. Here is the log and configuration.yaml.

Thank you very much!

Very odd, thought that was fixed in v0.0.10.

Are you up for setting up a call? I want to look into this in your local environment, as I can’t reproduce it anymore. Please hit me up at

EDIT: It was PEBCAK :stuck_out_tongue:

A while I ago, I filed for a HA ArtNet OEM code, it is now official. :slight_smile:


Just noticed entities became all switched around. Entity Name lost sync with Entity ID. Not sure what happened, if it was a recent update or the result of adding new lights and moving channels around. Anyone else noticing this or just me?


Yeah sorry about that. We needed to have new entity ID’s to support multiple DMX controllers simultaneously. There were a couple of versions that migrated your entity ID’s to the new format, but it was causing issues for new users, so eventually I removed it.

You should be able to manually set your entity ID’s to the old ones (after removing the old ones), so match your automations.

Ok I’ll give that a go! Thanks for your time and effort developing this functionality for us Breina.

Ok so i am having some issues and getting these error logs i can provide what ever you need, I am having issues with this as i have spun up a brand new HA os and am getting the same results.

Logger: homeassistant.components.light
Source: custom_components/artnet_led/
Integration: Light (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:38:44 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:38:44 PM

Error while setting up artnet_led platform for light
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 281, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File “/config/custom_components/artnet_led/”, line 157, in async_setup_platform
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyartnet/”, line 51, in add_channel
raise ChannelExistsError(f’Channel “{channel_name}” does already exist in the universe!’)
pyartnet.errors.ChannelExistsError: Channel “Up 11uv” does already exist in the universe!

Is it possible that you have defined the same channel number multiple times in your config?

I have dug through the yaml file and cannot seem to find any duplicates

Is it possible to share (part of) your configuration file so we can see what you did?


  • platform: artnet_led
    host: # IP of Art-Net Node
    max_fps: 25 # Max 40 per second
    refresh_every: 0 # Resend values if no fades are running every x seconds, 0 disables automatic refresh
    universes: # Support for multiple universes
    0: # Nr of Universe (see configuration of your Art-Net Node)
    output_correction: quadratic # optional: output correction for the whole universe, will be used as default if nothing is set for the channel
    # Dimmer
    - channel: 1 # first channel of dmx dimmer
    name: House Lights 1 # name
    type: dimmer # type
    transition: 1 # default duration of fades in sec. Will be overridden by Transition sent from HA
    output_correction: quadratic # optional: quadratic, cubic or quadruple. Apply different dimming curves to the output. Default is None which means linear dimmin channel_size: 16bit
    - channel: 2
    name: House lights 2
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    output_correction: # optional: quadratic, cubic or quadruple. Apply different dimming curves to the output. Default is None which means linear dimming
    - channel: 3
    name: House lights 3
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 4
    name: House lights 4
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 5
    name: House lights 5
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 6
    name: House lights 6
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 7
    name: House lights 7
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 8
    name: House lights 8
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 9
    name: House lights 9
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 10
    name: House lights 10
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 11
    name: House lights 11
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 12
    name: House lights 12
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 13
    name: Up 1
    type: rgbww
    channel_size: 8bit
    transition: 1
    - channel: 18
    name: Up 1uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 19
    name: Up 2
    type: rgbww
    transition: 1
    channel_size: 8bit
    - channel: 24
    name: Up 2uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 25
    name: Up 3
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 30
    name: Up 3uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 31
    name: Up 4
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 36
    name: Up 4uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 37
    name: Up 5
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 42
    name: Up 5uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 43
    name: Up 6
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 48
    name: Up 6uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 49
    name: Up 7
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 54
    name: Up 7uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 55
    name: Up 8
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 60
    name: Up 8uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 61
    name: Up 9
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 66
    name: Up 11uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 67
    name: Up 10
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 72
    name: Up 10uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 73
    name: Up 11
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 78
    name: Up 11uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 79
    name: Up 12
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 84
    name: Up 12uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 85
    name: Up 13
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 90
    name: Up 13uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 91
    name: Up 14
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 96
    name: Up 14uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 97
    name: Up 15
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 102
    name: Up 15uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 103
    name: Up 16
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 108
    name: Up 16uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 109
    name: Up 17
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 114
    name: Up 17uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 115
    name: Up 18
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 120
    name: Up 18uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 121
    name: Up 19
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 126
    name: Up 19uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 127
    name: Up 20
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 132
    name: Up 20uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 133
    name: Up 21
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 138
    name: Up 11uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 139
    name: Up 22
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 144
    name: Up 22uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 145
    name: Down 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 150
    name: Down 1uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 151
    name: Down 2
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 156
    name: Down 2uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 157
    name: Down 3
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 162
    name: Down 3uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 163
    name: Down 4
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 168
    name: Down 4uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 169
    name: Window 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 174
    name: Window 1uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 175
    name: Window 2
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 180
    name: Window 2uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 181
    name: Window 3
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 186
    name: Window 3uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 187
    name: Window 4
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 192
    name: Window 4uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 193
    name: Window 5
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 198
    name: Window 5uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 300
    name: Stairs 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 305
    name: Stairs 1uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 306
    name: Stairs 2
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 311
    name: Stairs 2uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 312
    name: Stairs 3
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 317
    name: Stairs 3uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 318
    name: Stairs 4
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 323
    name: Stairs 4uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 324
    name: Stairs 5
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 329
    name: Stairs 5uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 330
    name: Fountain 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 335
    name: Fountain 1uv
    type: dimmer
    transition: 1
    - channel: 336
    name: Mosaic 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 341
    name: Mosaic 1uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 342
    name: Mosaic 2
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 347
    name: Mosaic 2uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 217
    name: Mezz Ceiling 1
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 222
    name: Mezz Ceiling 1uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 223
    name: Mezz Ceiling 2
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 228
    name: Mezz Ceiling 2uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 229
    name: Mezz Ceiling 3
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 234
    name: Mezz Ceiling 3uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 235
    name: Mezz Ceiling 4
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 240
    name: Mezz Ceiling 4uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 241
    name: Mezz Ceiling 5
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 246
    name: Mezz Ceiling 5uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 247
    name: Mezz Ceiling 6
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 252
    name: Mezz Ceiling 6uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 253
    name: Mezz Ceiling 7
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 258
    name: Mezz Ceiling 7uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 259
    name: Mezz Ceiling 8
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 264
    name: Mezz Ceiling 8uv
    type: dimmer
    - channel: 376
    name: Atrium Up Lights
    type: rgbww
    - channel: 394
    name: Atrium Upper Level Lights
    type: rgbww

name: Up 11uv appears thrice; once for channel 66, once for channel 78 and once more for channel 138.

Can you please try giving it a unique name?

Thank you after looking a few more times i found the errors and got it working. I appreciate the help!


Hi, how can i change Device Class from light to switch?
I did in customize.yaml

friendly_name: Incarcare Tableta Living
icon: mdi:power-socket-de
device_class: switch

but it doesn’t change and I need it for automation to charging tablets.
Thank you and sorry for the previous post where I was stupid.


I think a switch is more of an input while sockets and lights are outputs. If you really want a switch, you might use and than link that to a dmx light channel using automation?
