DMX lighting

That’s not currently supported by the integration I’m afraid.

Not sure how to implement this at the moment. I don’t see a protocol specification, just code examples of how to use the Windows drivers.

Any specific reason that you’re looking for USB options?

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ok thanks for the quick reply.
I am looking for a way to control dmx lights with HA on a Pi without the need for a big art-net node, as i need a compact setup.

this is what i used. Pknight bi-directional ArtNet Controller CR011R, it is small but needs ethernet.

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thanks! this is perfect!

I might be buying a DMX Fresnel LED light that has a motorized zoom to adjust the beam angle. Does this integration allow for controlling the zoom?

1: Dimmer 000-255 0-100% Dimmer
2: Strobe 000-255 Strobe from slow to fast
3: Zoom 000-255 Zoom from wide to narrow

Can it also adjust the strobe value?

For now we’ve only got light entities. So you’re able to control your strobe/zoom with additional light channels or a separate dimmer light, but not with a number with a slider.

I just bought LED strip using UCS512G6 chip which is DMX512 using RGBWW up t 32kHz and 16Bit colors.

Any Art-Net controllers for Ethernet to suggest to buy in EU , that are also compliant with my LED strip chip and with this add-on for home assistant ?

Hi Friends! I Have a Question, maybe you can give me a tip for me. I have 70 lamps in my house with Tuneable White, so thats 140 DMX Channels. Has anybody an idea to geht this in Homeassistant? Now i use Nodered with Ulrich Radig Artnet node. Its Working, but not best… Fading not so smooth. I want to change to Homeassistant because i think the UI is very good and i can include Nodered for difficult problems :wink: Thanks!!!

Have a go with this one: GitHub - Breina/ha-artnet-led: DMX lighting Integration for Home Assistant. Using the HA Color Mode update and Pyartnet library to control lights in multiple DMX universes over ethernet with the Art-Net protocol.

We have fading that should be smooth! :slight_smile:

I think any compliant one should do. The Art-Net node doesn’t care about how many bits per colour, or what frequency the led driver uses. It should all work. Personally I went with an ENTTEC one, so that I could mount it on my DIN rail.

Hello! I bought a Pknight bi-directional ArtNet Controller CR011R and I want to replace it with the current Enttec Open DMX USB Interface. Can you help me with the steps for a noob? If it is possible step by step and without having another computer turned on like I have now, on which the Art-Net to DMX program is running, through which I give dmx to the boards. HA runs on a mini pc and has ip and I set the controller to ip and the rooter is mikrotik. Thank you very very much!!!

How does this other computer currently output to DMX? Could you run the same ArtNet to DMX software on your mini-pc?

I don’t know of a HA integration that sends DMX through USB, it’s not a standard and every brand has its own specification. Currently ha-artnet-led supports ArtNet, sACN and KiNet v1.

You could try to running Open Lighting Architecture | as an integration layer, which supports the ENTTEC USB interface, so you may be able to run that on your mini-pc. It would look like this, then:

HA —ArtNet—> OLA —USB—> DMX

How does this other computer currently output to DMX?
With this software!


Could you run the same ArtNet to DMX software on your mini-pc?
NO, only home assistant is installed on the mini pc!

I just bought this controller Pknight bi-directional ArtNet Controller CR011R and I hope that windows will no longer be needed!

Aaah ok. I thought you were replacing ArtNet with USB, but it’s the other way around I gather.

To use ArtNet on HA, please follow these instructions: GitHub - Breina/ha-artnet-led: DMX lighting Integration for Home Assistant. Using the HA Color Mode update and Pyartnet library to control lights in multiple DMX universes over ethernet with the Art-Net protocol.

I succeeded, but still from the other PC on which I have windows, now I use DMX-Workshop!
I want to get rid of the second PC that works 24/24! I want some script in python to run or some integration to give dmx to the boards… so that I don’t have two computers running 24/24
Thank you very much

Have you managed to follow the instructions I linked? This is the integration you are looking for.

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Yes, the integration made by you works perfectly, for which I thank you very much.

I have 102 channels! Everything is OK
But I didn’t find how to get rid of the DMX-Workshop program in your integration, or rather I don’t know how to do it, I’m too noob.

I think with this program I can’t send dmx to the boards !

or something similar…

The HA integration directly uses the PyArtNet that you linked. Your Pknight bi-directional ArtNet Controller CR011R, where is it now?

Normally you should be able to hook it up like this:

Mini-PC with HA -----> ArtNet Controller -----> DMX

It works! The best investment of 70 dollars! I got rid of the second PC.
Thank you very very much, you are the best :+1: :clap: :pray:

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