DMX lighting

i’m i right that in update 64.3 the artnet component form @jnimmo isn’t working anymore?

I’m still running .60 - will try updating tomorrow and see what the story is

I’m running the very latest and it’s working perfectly…

hass-artnet works very nice with my selfmade art-net lamps ;

couple things lacking;

  • universe config per ‘gateway’
  • UDP multicast or broadcast instead of unicast
  • sending colors to more than 1 rgb(w) channel at once (also see the github issue i opened ; ) , i think the ‘bundle’ solution would be best
  • flash / effects (although i’m not really convinced code for this should be in a component at all)

@jnimmo Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into this, works perfectly for me so far!

I also think sending the same data to multiple channels at the same time would be great. RGB pixelstrips are often controlled by artnet, but its not really practical to have hundreds of entities in homeassistant to mess with. So defining groups within the component would open a lot of possibilities.


Hi there, hope all has been well. Wondering if anyone using your add-on has been having trouble since upgrading past hassio v65.6? Any suggestions on how to resolve? Thanks!

All versions past v65.6 give me the following error:

Log Details (ERROR)
Sat Apr 14 2018 11:15:58 GMT-0700 (PDT)

Error loading custom_components.light.artnet. Make sure all dependencies are installed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/”, line 142, in get_component
module = importlib.import_module(path)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/importlib/”, line 126, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File “”, line 994, in _gcd_import
File “”, line 971, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 665, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 678, in exec_module
File “”, line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File “/config/custom_components/light/”, line 15, in
from homeassistant.components.light import (ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_RGB_COLOR,
ImportError: cannot import name ‘SUPPORT_RGB_COLOR’

i had the same problem when updating to 0.66.
there has been a merge request for sometime on @jnimmo git to fix this.
i see that the merge happend 3 days ago, so if you take the latest files from his github it should work.

i have been running 0.66.1 for a week now without any problems

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Awesome for the feedback; I’ll give it a shot and thanks!


Fantastic, that worked a charm! Thanks so much for the rapid response, cheers!

Hi Guys,

when I first started with home automation openHAB was the only platform to support Artnet.
Since I run lot’s of LED stripes with DMX dimmers (they are unbeatable cheap!) this is what drove me to openhab. However since then my python skills came a long way and I am thinking about giving HomeAssistant another shot.
So I have implemented my own ArtNet library using asyncio.
Please check it out on
It supports multiple nodes with multiple universes, keep-alive and also non-linear fades which make the fades on the LED-Strips much smoother.
Maybe we can work together so there is official support for ArtNet?

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Hi, the lack of the possibility to run multiple fades at once was really annoying to me.
So I re implemented the whole Art-Net implementation.
As a bonus it now allows multiple universes to be used and has the ability to continuously resend the values when there are no fades running.
Also, it is now possible to run multiple fades parallel!
Currently supported are RGB, RGBW and normal DMX dimmers.
Could you please check it out and give me some feedback on it.


nicely done, will try it out when possible

Let me know how it went :slight_smile:

I added the possibility to specify output dimming curves per channel / universe.
This results in nicer fades when using LED strips.

i got around to take a look at your component. it gives an error at init when starting home assistant.
the reason is that it want’s to import a file called pyartnet, which isn’t in your git. i also see you’ve got a check before that import but i guess that doesn’t do what it’s schould do.

@The-Story-teller: Have you checked with the most recent version? I fixed something a couple days ago

i downloaded it form git yesterday evening

Just to make sure: Your Hass instance has internet connection (the package should be downloaded from pypi) and you are using the latest version. Please re-download if you are in doubt. If the error still occurs, can you please provide a complete error message? If you’re on github feel free to raise an issue.

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yeah i have the latest version of hass io.
i haven’t been able to test it to much so i will try again when i have more time.
so i wil let you know when i doesn’t get it to work

I ment the file. I’ve pushed an update today - maybe you can check with this version?
I’ve included the version in the logger, you should see

[custom_components.light.artnet] Version: 2018.10.18 - 16:22
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