DMX lighting

I have an Enttec ODE Mk1 (rev b), has anyone else used this with the component by @jnimmo ? Is there a list of supported devices somewhere?

is there a update for the actual version of HA ?

What changed in the most recenv version?

DMX has several controllers, Does it matter? or will they all integrate into HA/HASSIO?
Please advise.

Looking to accomplish:
I am looking for a controller that i can use for my entire exterior as a regular light when motion is connected using 6812 rgbww style lighting as well as a few interior lights under cabinets and several other locations. I am also looking to include the same light hardware during the holidays and integrate with a system like holiday coro (Maybe) / build on the dmx system provided the UI is friendly enough to catch on to without too much coding or maintenance. This is TBD i am sure
Suggetions? DMX looks promising.

Thank you,

I had already found something, but I have not yet got something working in the Arduino IDE that can also send signals from Artnet DMX, receiving it worked, but I am not waiting for that immediately.

But I will google a little further

I have added jnimmo/hass-dmx in HA/HASSIO,
i have configured a rgb light in channel 1 and all work ok

  - platform: dmx
    host: ''
    port: 6454
    dmx_channels: 512 
    default_level: 0
    universe: 0
    send_levels_on_startup: true
      # RGB
      - channel: 1
        type: rgb
        name: DMX Led 1
        default_rgb: [0,0,0]
        transition: 0.5                 # default duration of fades in sec
        default_level: 0

But every time i reboot HA, the DMX rgb light is turned on.
I would like the dmx rgb light to remain off or to maintain the previous state at each restart.
How can I do this?

Having found no better solution, i did so:


- alias: 'Startup - Set OFF DMX Light'
  hide_entity: true
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - delay: '00:00:02'
    - service: light.turn_off
      entity_id: light.dmx_led_1 , light.dmx_led_2, light.dmx_led_3, light.dmx_led_4

Hi Lorenzo,

Iā€™ve just updated the component so the initial state will be based on the default brightness level.
After downloading the latest code please remove default_rgb from the configuration for the light (or set it to the non-0 colour value you would like) and the code should now behave like you expect it to.


Hi jnimmo,

itā€™s beautiful now works perfectly !!!

Thanks for letting me know! Iā€™ll try and get this component into a state suitabe to be included in the core product sometime.

Excellent this is very good, for me the art-net is top !!!

There are these things that I think can be useful:

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Hi there @jnimmo, I think your component is exactly what I need but Iā€™ve not been able to get it to work just yet. Is there any way for me to verify that I am actually getting Art-Net out of my Raspberry Pi 4 set up? I am currently sending it to another, PC based software to convert it to DMX out, but nothing I trigger in HA seems to get across my network to that software.

Any suggestions?

Hey @ryanhindinger, I use ArtNetominator for my testing, can run it on another PC and set it to listen on the correct network adapter. Either that or give Wireshark a try and filter on the port. All the best!

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ArtNetomator is perfect, thank you very much!

Inspired by the USB2DMX code linked to for cheap FTDI-based dongles, Iā€™ve written a similar bridge for the Anyma uDMX dongle & clones. These are cheap (around $30) dongles you can pick up on Amazon & eBay.

Working great in my setup with @jnimmoā€™s hass-dmx integration.

I have a (cheap) Artnet to DMX node with a fixed IP address of, which is in the public range. How did you end up configuring your router in order to deal with that? I have an EdgeRouter.

Iā€™m doing a scratch install of HA on my new RPI 4 and have gotten to the point where I want to install hassio-dmx but it doesnā€™t show up in the HACS repositories! I looked on the default repositories list and it doesnā€™t show up there either. Before I mess with a manual installation I wanted to check here.

Is this a temporary condition or am I missing something?

I have the same question. Is it still available?

I have a strange situation with my dmx light(s). The situation is:

YAML configuration:

  - platform: dmx
    host: '192.168.X.XX'
    universe: 1
    port: 6454
    dmx_channels: 512 
    send_levels_on_startup: true
    default_type: rgb
      - channel: 129
        name: Disco_light_1_r
        default_rgb: [0,0,0]
        transition: 0.5               
        default_level: 0

The lamp can be found. It can be controlled. But it reacts not the way I think it should react. When changing colors, the lamp will start to flicker. When changing the brightness the lamp changes color, ect ect.
Can somebody help me maybe?

That seems to me an issue with the frequency between your dmx dongle and the fixture. I am trying to get QLC+ integrated but canā€™t find the HACS install. Is it gone?

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