DMX lighting

Tnx, do you got a link with more information about this? Couldn’t find anything yet about this problem

It’s kind of a standard issue. I followed the link to robert joostenveld’s site and you can see there is a setting for the delay and the default is 25ms, i.e. 40 packets per second. I’d play with that setting and see what is does. I can’t get my system working at all, grrrr. Copied the files to my custom_components but nothing seems to reach the artnet receiver. Any hints for me?

I added within HACS a custom repo from: . This will enable to download this repo within HACS. Restart your Home Assistant and then follow the config of that repo. That worked fine for me

Ok, that is my lack of knowledge, lol. I have seen this pagefrom jnimmo but have no idea what the steps are to add custom repo to HACS. Will look into that. Thx. Please let me know about the flickering.

Ok, got it working. I can now control QLC+ via ArtNet, very cool. JoJoo, if you search on the QLC+ forum you’ll find more about flickering lights. I hope you’ll find what you need.

After opening HACS from the HA panel on the left of the screen you will find an icon with three dots in a vertical column on the upper right part of the screen. Left click on that and you will see a dropdown with an “Add custom respoisitory” selection. Select that and you can then add the respoitory URL. Then it will show up as an integration card. Install it and you can get to adding the YAML it wants. A couuple of HA restarts and cache clear are needed along the way.

Hi Perry, thank you for this. That was exactly what I was looking for and I also found that. So at this moment, the amazing DMX software QLC+ runs op a RPI and I can control it from HA via ArtNet. Time to build some cool things in QLC+!

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I’m having a problem trying to add a DRGBW fixture.
My conf is:

  - platform: dmx
    host: 192.168.x.x
    dmx_channels: 512 
    default_level: 0
    universe: 0
      - channel: 32
        type: drgbw
        name: Big Tree

and I have this error in log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 287, in async_add_entities
    tasks = [
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 287, in <listcomp>
    tasks = [
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 177, in <genexpr>
    lights = (DMXLight(light, dmx_gateway, send_levels_on_startup, default_light_type) for light in
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 227, in __init__
    self._dmx_gateway.set_channels(self._channels, self.dmx_values,
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 508, in set_channels
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 493, in send
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

If I create two separate devices, one with a single dimmer channel in 32 followed by one RGB in 33, the fixtures works, but in this way, I will need to duplicate my 30 fixtures!

Does anyone know why I get this error?


Hi @pablo_b , afaik there’s a issue open with this problem.

Ruth looks to have found the solution and already asked for a PR. I don’t know when it will be approved, but if you really want to have your light working take a look here:


Thank you Matteo!

I am new to the DMX world and am asking for ideas to work with home assistant and QTY 8 lights I might purchase. Note, I cannot find 90+CRI 1400 lumen 5-6" RGBW zigbee or zwave lights to work with my existing recessed lights (I would need par 38 or retrofits). Note the couple that do exist are discontinued with no support starting in 2021. I did find a company that meets my needs, but they use dmx or Bluetooth/custom mobile app.

Awesome to see home assistant has a DMX type of integration which I believe can be used with the circadian lighting component as well.

Since my ceiling is closed up and I cannot run wires between fixtures, I believe I could use this device you have here along with the wireless items I found on amazon.

Whats not so nice is this setup adds about 40 dollars per light before I even get the light, and it seems I have alot of things that could fail over time… hence why I like the idea of DMX, but the complexity… eee… again, wondering if someone else or you have ideas that might be better to get each node(light) connected in a ceiling that is closed up.

I’m new to quite new to HA, but very much like the opportunity to integrate my DMX fixtures into HA.
Unfortunately my fixtures are not standard LED, but 6-in-1 RGBWA+UV HEX-Led Par’s.
At the moment I control all fixtures on a channel level with the Osram DMXController IOS App, which works - but I’d like to integrate everything into my HA dashboard.
So my question is how should I set the fixtures up in the config.yaml in terms of device type?
I run 2 RGBWA+UV fixtures with 10 channels (DRGBW,A,UV,Ch8-10 Strobe, color change etc.)
and 3 RGBWA+UV fixtures with 12 channels (RGBW,A,UV,D,Ch8-12 Strobe, color change etc.)
My objective is to define certain light scenarios (values on channel level) which should be accessed from dashboard buttons.

Looking forward to your advise.

I have a lot of DMX controlled RGBW lighting but for several recessed lighting fixtures I use Zigbee RGBW 5/6" lighting retrofit kits and am very pleased with them. Although I have full ceiling access I went with these because it was just simpler than finding residential style RGBW downlights and adding DMX dimmers, etc. Check out the Sylvania 73742 kits. I use the older 73741 because that’s what I bought a while ago. There’s a ton of places that sell these kits.

Eventually I expect to replace most of the wireless controls with wired controls like DMX/RDM and MQTT over Ethernet because I don’t think the IoT infrastructure is secure yet, but for now ZIgBee works great.


Where did you get the fixtures? I looked for simple RGBW 2’x2’ flat panel suspended ceiling lights and could not find ANY U.S. supplier. I finally found a company in China that would custom make them for me for less than half of what color temp adjustable (WW/CW) fixtures cost in the U.S., and they included quality MeanWell power supplies in the bargain!

As for your question, I’m afraid I don’t have a perfect answer but believe I may once I solve a similar problem I have. Right now the excellent Artnet/DMX HACS addon supports a bunch of light types, but dosen’t allow me to control them the way I want. I have them set up as RGBW and control each channel separately (which you could do as well), but really want to control them via other scales such as HSL, XYZ, xyY, or color temperature + brightness. Also, I want to be able to calibrate each fixture and save the save the measured spectra for each channel and then have them used when doing the color space conversions to RGBW. My first thought is that belongs in the DMX add-on as part of a fully “custom” light type. OK, that’s a longer term goal, but if it existed that would not only meet my needs, but perhaps yours.

Did I forget to ask where you got your fixtures from?


Thanks for the response! Yeah, I saw the 73742, but they are run of the mill lights with a low cri and only 800 lumens. I did have the higher end lights they make with 90+cri and 1200 lumens, but they wouldn’t send me the firmware to get all the lights to the same version…so with the same settings things had different looks and behaviors…so I sent them back a couple days ago. I have since come across a compromise of 90+cri rgbw but only 1100 lumens, but its Bluetooth… not sure if my dsm/synology with home assistant even supports Bluetooth yet alone does homeassistant control these lights(have yet to search on it). I have 10ft ceilings and its a kitchen that does much entertaining, hence why I am not just after any light…

I’m curious about where you found the high CRI lights and what the spectra are for the individual LEDS they use. As I said in another reply to this same thread I’ve had trouble finding “exactly” what I want, much less at a reasonable price. Your needs are pretty exacting. In general I’d like to find something COTS but I’ve wound up putting together components myself. I’ve actually had good success in recycling the controllers used inside the Sylvania Smart+ (OSRAM Lightify when I bought them) Zigbee lights. Generally its the power supply that dies, not the LEDS or controller, so I rescue the controller, toss the power, and use my own LEDs. None of the color comes out the way the designers expected but I don’t care since I control the channels directly. What’s generally missing however in the open source HA stuff is support for accepting spectral calibration curves and and applying them. So I guess I’m going to finally have to learn Git and make a contribution instead of leeching:-).

I run these fixtures:

To ask more specifically:
How should I set up the fixtures with 12 channels (RGBW,A,UV,D,Ch8-12 Strobe, color change etc.) in the DMX add-on?
Should I choose type: “RGBW” for the first 4 channels and than type “custom_white” or “dimmer” for the remaining channels? Would I have to define channel_setup for the “custom_white” channels?

Any advise is appreciated.

I’d like to give a short update on my questions.
I set up the fixtures on a channel level, that means each DMX channel separately. I didn’t use the definition of channel_setup. This setup worked.
As control I use a slider-entity-row inside a nested fold-entity-row to keep things clean.

At the moment I struggle with 3 things and have 3 related questions:
1.) The slider-entity-row are automatically set to 100% - whereas I’d like to have it 0-255.
Is there somebody who solved this issue already?
2.) The fixtures do not react always on data changes, so that I have to repeat the command several times and sometimes all fixtures react on changes of a certain DMX channel of a single fixture.
I’m not sure whether this problem is caused by my Artnet-DMX converter or by the DMX add-on within Home Assistant. So, I will test a different Artnet-DMX converter in the next weeks.
Which Artnet-DMX converter work best with the DMX add-on?
3.) I use the overall dimmer channel to “black out” single fixtures.
Is there the option to send a “blank” signal to all fixtures from HA UI?

Any insight to my 3 topics/questions is welcomed.

Hi Joey,

I’ve got the exact same, i followed the build from Robert as wel.
Go this one running with DMX software for a wile.

Now i tried to add my fixtures to HASS, but i can’t get my head around how to solve the connection issue. With the DMX software i used the broadcast address XXX.XXX.XXX.255

When i add this to the jnimmo/hass-dmx, nothing happens.

  - platform: dmx
    host: 'XXX.XXX.XXX.255'   #ESP-ARTNET_DMX, UDP Broadcast address
    universe: 1
    port: 6454
    dmx_channels: 512 
    send_levels_on_startup: true
    default_type: rgb
      - channel: 1
        name: Par1_DimmerRGB
        type: drgbw
        default_rgb: [0,0,0]
        transition: 0.5               
        default_level: 0
      - channel: 6
        name: Par1_Stobe
        type: dimmer
      - channel: 7
        name: Par1_FadeSound
        type: dimmer
      - channel: 8
        name: Par1_Speed
        type: dimmer

# DMX Light Groups
  - platform: group
    name: Par1_test
      - light.Par1_DimmerRGB
      - light.Par1_Stobe
      - light.Par1_FadeSound
      - light.Par1_Speed

  - platform: group
    name: All DMX Lights
      - light.Par1_test


XXX.XXX.XXX.255 isn’t a valid broadcast address; if your network is for example, your broadcast address would need to be
However, would highly recommend giving the device an IP address within your subnet instead of broadcasting the traffic to all devices on your network.