DNS Queries for "."

Hi there,
I’ve installed the DNSMasq addon to handle the requests coming from my HA. I’ve noted my PiHole dedicated berry gets lots of forwarded requests of “.” from HA, and the DNSmasq logs:

dnsmasq[209]: forwarded . to
dnsmasq[209]: query[NS] . from
dnsmasq[209]: forwarded . to
dnsmasq[209]: query[NS] . from
dnsmasq[209]: forwarded . to

I can’t get who is “” .
Is there a way I can get to manage them or reduce them?

The is a docker container address (most likely one of the containers running in your setup).

As for the ., the only thing I can think of is that maybe dnsmasq is hiding the ip address that is being looked up. Given that you are running this as a container in HA, I have no idea how you would begin to look at syslog for something like that.

Personally, if you already have pihole running on a separate machine, why not just use that for DNS queries? It already runs dnsmasq internally.

Yes, that’s a container running on HA . I mainly set dnsmasq to cache DNS queries coming from other containers; I’ve tried shutting it down, but the “.” queries get to the pihole anyway.