DNS Server


Since my ISP router doesn’t have NAT loopback I need to use xxx.duckdns.org outside and HA IP address inside my local network.

Do you think that run a DNS server on my HASS.io installation (it is running on tinkerboard) will be ok? Will I feel any kind of delay increase on website access or will HA performance decrease?

If I run a DNS server I can make xxx.duckdns.org work inside my local network, can’t I?

Thank you

Yes, take a look at dnsmasq.

Will take a look thank you. Do you think it can have some performance problem?

If you are using it with a mobile device, you can use Ariela, it supports an internal and external address and will switch automatically.

What sort of performance problem. DNS is very lightweight to implement. Then again I don’t know much about tinkerboards.

A pi version 1 did fine on my lan with 40-50 clients.

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