Do a calculation in lovelace?

I’m displaying an value in lovelace that I want to multiply by 1000. Do I need to create a new sensor in configuration.yaml or can I do the calculation in my lovelace card configuration as well?

Everything you need to know is right here:

You create the data template then you display that template. So for example if it’s a sensor then you create a new template for that sensor using computation to adjust the value to what you want.

There is a templater card as well (hacs) which allows to use templates in cards…for most base cards, templates won’t work…except with this one. For transparency/bug reasons I prefer to have the calc done in/with sensors so I donot have to look for figures everywhere.

  1. custom:template-entity-row
    Templates based on jinjia (server side).

  2. custom:button-card
    Templates based on JS (client side).

  3. custom:config-template-card
    Templates based on JS (client side).

  4. markdown card
    Templates based on jinjia (server side).

  5. For CSS styles + adding additional info in “:after” & “:before” pseudo classes - card-mod.
    Templates based on jinjia (server side).

… may be some more …