Do I install HA correctly?

I have downloaded 2017-02-03-HASSbian.img, install it to my PI.But I cant find folder .homeassistant in home/homeassistant.Also I cant access HA via browser(:8123).In /etc/hosts,I have replaced raspberrypi to hassbian.But nothing helped.Do I install HA correctly?

You typed…

user@hassbian~$ cd /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant

What did you use to write the image to your SD card?

Did you go into raspi-config to expand the file system and adjust environmental variables?

what happens when you run this command? sudo systemctl start [email protected]

You are not in the virtual environment correct?

thanks for reply

now folder /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant has already been here.

pi@hassbian:~ $ cd /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
pi@hassbian:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant $

I use Etcher to write the image to SD card

I run this command “sudo systemctl start [email protected]” but nothing happened
pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo systemctl start [email protected]
pi@hassbian:~ $
pi@hassbian:~ $

I also cant access HA via browser(:8123).

So you need to wait after you boot it, because it has to install and then upgrade to the latest version. You should not have to start it manually. You probably have to wait about 5 to 6 minutes on a PI3…