Do lights support transitioning to off?

I have several hue lights, and I can transition them on to a specific color/brightness as expected. However, my scene to shut them off doesn’t seem to work with the transition.

Example scenes:

- name: Bedtime
      state: on
      brightness: 20
      xy_color: [0.1684, 0.0416]
      rgb_color: [51, 52, 255]
      color_temp: 500
      transition: 10
      state: on
      brightness: 30
      transition: 10
- name: Lights Off
      state: off
      transition: 60
      state: off
      transition: 30
      state: off

The “bedtime” scene works as expected. When I activate the “Lights Off” scene, I get a 30second and 60second delay before the two groups shut off, but there is no transition happening.

edit: My question was basically whether this is a bug, or if transition isn’t supported when setting the state to off?

I’ve just tested fade to an off state using the “homeassistant.turn_off” service with the following json:

    "entity_id": "group.office_lights",
    "transition": "10"

That worked as you would expect, so it can certainly pass transition times for an off state into a group. Perhaps this is an issue with scenes transitioning to off?

I’ve only recently installed Hue and I’m yet to work on scenes within HA, so I can’t test further at present. I’ll check back once I’ve made progress there to see if you’ve found a resolve for this.

It seems to be a bug.
Turn off supports transition, but it seems that the scene does not accept it.

So you should probably report it here:

Thanks, I went ahead and created a gh issue 2578.

I’ll try a work around of just having a script (that calls the ‘lights off’ scene) transition to 0/1 brightness first before calling that scene.