I’m a new (but enthusiastic) Home Assistant user. I’m currently trying to create my first automations.
The first thing I do when I create an automation is try to figure out how to trigger it. Which means I need to find an entity and determine what states it might be in. It seems that there isn’t much (or any) documentation about what states an entity could be in, so I have to resort to experimentation.
The most obvious way to experiment is to click on a entity (such as a sensor) and bring up the “more info” dialog. This dialog will tell you what state it is currently in, what states it has been in in the past, and what attributes are currently associated with the entity. As far as I can tell, this is also the only place in the lovelace UI where you can consistently and easily see what states something has been in in the past.
For example, if I bring up this dialog for my “sensor.zone_001” (a door sensor for my Elk alarm system), I learn that the current state is “Normal”. To figure out what happens to the state when the door is opened, I try it and find the new state is “Violated”. Cool. I go and write an automation triggered by the door going to state “Violated” and it works.
I then try writing an automation triggered by my alarm being armed. I bring up the dialog for “alarm_control_panel.area_001”. It tells me that the state is currently “Disarmed”. I arm the alarm, and it transitions to “Armed away”. So I write an automation triggered by the transition to “Armed away”. And it doesn’t work.
Why not? I resort to turning on debug logging and going through the logs. I find out that the state is not called “Armed away”, it is called “armed away”. The “more info” dialog lied to me. And triggers are case sensitive. So it doesn’t work.
So my feature request is to do one of:
- Standardize naming of events. They should be all lower-case, or all start with a capital letter, or follow some standard. If a single component (the Elk integration) is not consistent on this, then I don’t see how we can expect cross-component consistency.
- Don’t capitalize events when displaying them in the “more info” dialog. It may be pretty, but it is pretty confusing too.
- Don’t make triggers do a case-sensitive match to event states. Is there a strong benefit to this match being case sensitive? Do we expect any device to ever emit two events whose state differs only in case?
If folks can tell me which solution is best, I’m happy to implement this and send off the PR myself. (I suspect the answer is 2 or 3, as 1 seems crazy to implement and enforce.) But as a new user, I really don’t know.