Do smart USB ports exist?

I was wondering if there are any devices out there that work like smart plugs but for USB ports. Something that I can put between the actual USB port and the plug.

I know there are USB meters to see charge and data rates on a small display, but is there anything with Wi-Fi connectivity and that can be integrated into HA?

Thinks I want to be able to do:

  1. See if and how much data and/or electricity is going through.
  2. Turn port off and on.

Possible use-cases:

  • check if devices are plugged in to charger and get reminded if not
  • get notified if devices are finished charging
  • see data throughput of devices on dashboard

Does this device exist? Alternatively can it be build easily with ESP boards or something like it?

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SONOFF Micro 5V USB Smart WiFi Adaptor for Type A USB Devices, Works with Alexa and Google Home, APP Remote Control Switch, Timer Function, No Hub Required: Industrial & Scientific
I don’t think this does power metering though :frowning:

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For switching power, its very easy. Im using an esp8266 with esphome, one gpio configured as switch. This gpio drives via gate driver IC a mosfet, which switches the ground of an usb port i soldered to the pcb where i mounted the other components of the node. I believe i used IRL510 mosfets and a TC4420CPA gate driver IC. Measuring power can be done over a shunt resistor (a small resistor like 1 ohm with high accuracy) between the 5v rail and the appliance via adc. BUT be carefull, you need a so called voltage divider for that to not destroy the esp. Alternatively, esphome implements a few sensors like CSE7766 or INA226 for voltage and current sensing.
But data sensing would involve hacking into the usb protocol, which i personally have absolutly no experience with and wouldnt recommend.

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How would you set this up in Home Assistant?

Just answered my own question! I found Dr ZZZZ’s video on SonoffLan, didn’t know that existed before.

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There is/was a device recently on kickstarter that would do most or all of what you wanted.

Do you remember its name?

No, but a quick search found it

I believe there is a thread about it here too ???

exactly what I wanted, but 880 € is beyond my Home Automation budget :laughing: thanks anyways!

I’ve been using some of these for a while now. They flash easily with Esphome. No power monitoring though

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Or do some DIY! Get one of these with a ESP01s, flash Tasmota or ESPHome, add some cables, done! BTW, dirt cheap…