Do something once at time or timer from Lovelace?

I frequently want to do something or other ONCE at a certain time or in a certain time, ie at 14:00 or in 30 minutes. It might be to turn on the coffee maker, turn on the heating in the car, start the vacuum cleaner, turn on the lights or something.

The point is that these are one-off things and are not really automated, although they might be scenes or scripts - or even exist as an automation that I could run manually using execute, but want to run with a delay or at a certain time, once.

But I want to run this with a delay or at a certain time, one-off.

If I know that I want to start the heating for the car in 30 minutes I don’t want to edit an entire automation for this. I just want to enter the time and an action and device or entity.

Is this possible directly from Lovelace in some way? Just enter a time, an entity and what you want to change? A timer card… Or at worst “activate a scene or script with delay or at a certain time on-off”.

“Hey Google! Start the car heater in 30 minutes.”

You can try scheduler component together with lovelace scheduler card, both available through HACS.

Seems a little over-kill for one off things.

So the answer is there is no such built-in funciontality in HA.