Do you have a smart home? [closed]

Dear Home Assistant enthousiast,

If you have a smart home, then you are one of the pioneers of the future and your experience matters!

My name is Sarah, and I am a business student at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. For my bachelor thesis, I am looking for smart homeowners that would like to share their user experience. The purpose of this study is to gain new insights into the value creation of digital innovation.

The interview will be virtual, for research purposes only and will take no more than 30 minutes. Are you interested in sharing your experience? Please fill out this form , so that I can contact you and arrange a conversation.

Thanks in advance,

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My home is plain stupid, I have to give it precise instructions for everything. A really smart home would learn and know when to open the blinds, turn on the lights, based on my behaviour.


right, I think @balloob explained that once ā€¦ hitting a switch on the smartphone to turn on the light is just to show off ā€¦ not a smart home. Same for ā€œok google, turn on the lightā€ ā€¦
you need those things as a base for automations, but they are not smart on its own.

Iā€™d say that some of my automations are somewhat ā€œsmartā€, e.g. my irrigation system measures the amount of rain over the last 24h and checks the expected high temperature of the day. Those two factors combined will determine the duration of todayā€™s irrigation.

Or turning on the light of the bedroom after 22:00 will send me a message on my phone if one of the doors is still open or my media server is still running.


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Hi Frits,

if the link doesnā€™t work for you, you can try using this link:

Please, let me know if this doesnā€™t work and thanks in advance!

Hi Christoph,

That is true, utimately optimal machine learning techniques would truly improve the home experience. But in the meantime, Iā€™m really curious in what ways you use your devices to operate, as you call it, your stupid home :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s a really good point. I think the word ā€˜smartā€™ is often misused for marketing purposes, or what not.
But Iā€™m really impressed with your irrigration system, Iā€™ve never heard of that before! Did you build this system yourself?

I see now that it was blocked by adguard. Apperantly the domain is listed on some list I use to block ads :joy:

I agree with this, though I donā€™t really see a nearby future for any machine learning for home use. Just because the events we create while being at home is a very small pool of data to work with for machine learning. The amount of times the machine will be wrong in itā€™s ā€œassumptionsā€ will be so great that itā€™s not practical. Though humans tend to be predictable 80% of the time, the 20% is going to irritate too much to keep going with the machine learning.

True AI is a whole other story though. AI can work (if itā€™s real AI) everywhere. But that is far more complicated and most of the times confused with complicated forms of machine learning and wrongfully named AIā€¦

Thatā€™s part of my AppDaemon scripts, yes.

Time calculation is fairly simple, grab max temp: in line 66, and grab the raintime line 72.
There is a lot more, because the pump requires quite a few steps (turn on / wait / turn off / wait) to get solid pressure and after that it will go through the different sprinklers ā€¦

But Iā€™ve seen comparable scripts in this forum as well.

Ah thatā€™s explains, I was confused as to why it didnā€™t work for you, but Iā€™m glad you found out!


Thank you for your input! This might be a really cool summer project. I already planned on working on my garden this summer. Your code seems easy to follow, but Iā€™ll definitely have a look at some other scripts after I finish writing my thesis. I really hope you are intrested in doing an interview as Iā€™d love to discuss this topic from a user-centric perspective :slight_smile:

Have a nice day!

Thatā€™s a good point. Mainly because the data will be different in every household, and within every house, there may be different users - these circumstances make it extremely tricky to apply machine learning effectively. And youā€™re right; real AI would be better, but this may take a while until itā€™s well-functioning.

Disclaimer: Iā€™m not an expert, but I assume your devices depend on the user to add the ā€˜smartā€™ element. Which to me, is a very intresting topic to study.