Docker HASS will not verify smarttthings

Hello everyone. I am running a Home Assistant docker system and I have used SWAG to set up my SSL certificate to allow me remote access. This seems to work seamlessly. However, when I tried to set up the smartthings integration, smartthings complains that it is unable to verify the certificate. It seems to need something called a Web Hook. I am not sure how to tackle this problem and was wondering if anyone can give me some idea’s that may help. Thanks :thinking:

Did you do this

Yes, I tried everything I could for 3 days. I appreciate the help I have had, but in the end I had to drop docker. It seems every step is a struggle to make it work, and after 2 weeks I decided to go back to a supervised HASS.

I don’t mind trying new things, but this was just too much. :person_facepalming:
