Docker HASSIO Network with IPv6 enabled by default


When I want to use nginx ssl proxy over IPv6 and have auto IP banning up and running I have to reconfigure docker network in the haos:

systemctl stop hassos-supervisor
for ID in $(docker ps -a --format '{{ .ID }}'); do docker stop $ID; docker rm $ID; done;
docker network rm hassio
docker network create hassio -d bridge --ipv6 --subnet fd0c::/64 --subnet --ip-range --gateway --opt

The important (new) part is:

--ipv6 --subnet fd0c::/64

Which enables ipv6 for containers. Without this setting, nginx will not get real IPv6 of the client who connectd and will get IPv4 of the docker network gateway instead. Guess nginx probably doesn’t like when you pass IPv6 in the forward headers when the connection from the docker network gateway to the container is done over IPv4.

So my feature request is: Can we have this by default?

Thanks and have fun!