Docker install on Synology DSM 6.xx

Hi there,

I have a Docker instance running and working on my Synology NAS by using the excellent instructions here. I could not however figure out how to inject the --net=host command into the configuration to get auto discovery working. I was also unable to figure out how to update the image so I deleted everything to start again.

Tonight I updated the image from homeassistant/home-assistant; the new home and attempted to install another container with the instructions located here. While this did install an image in <2 seconds, the image name was about 30 numbers long and no ports were configured. I manually added port 8123 but there is still no access to the home page. Installing a container manually with the first referenced instructions works as it should but of course, auto discover does not work.

For anyone wanting to try this on a Synology running Docker and DSM 6.xx, you must enable Admin logon again and then SSH in with ā€˜Adminā€™ and then do sudo su to obtain root access to allow you to run Docker commands.

If anyone has any insight into this, your feedback would be appreciated.

Anyone done a HA install using Docker on DSM6.xx?

I had HA setup before the upgrade to DSM 6. After the upgrade everything works the same.
In order to start it, I still have to ssh in, remove the existing container and create a new one with this.

docker run -itd --name home-assistant -v /volume1/systems/apps/homeassistant/config:/config --net=host balloob/home-assistant

All this because the Synology doesnā€™t support --net=host.

Thank you so much for your reply. Iā€™ll try that this evening. I assuming the last line would now be homeassistant/home-assistant to reflect the new location? Did not realise that Synology didnā€™t support --net=host.

I tried your method last night and although the container is created and it works, Docker0 does not pick-up the host address as intended with use of --net=host and instead stays on I can start and stop the container through the GUI though. Iā€™ve now logged a support ticket with Synology and weā€™ll see where that goes as their instructions here actually call for use of the --net=host command which is odd if they donā€™t support that.

meā€¦ Iā€™m interested in this topicā€¦ could you let me know if you have resolved the problem please?

After a few dsm updates, it looks like dsm now had gui support for using the host network.

Sorry, I gave up and use HASSBian on Pi2 now.

You must absolutely not use the GUI if you want to use the host net.
Use the SSH cli commands to manage the container. As long as you use those, your good to go.

I use those commands for update. Change paths to fit your environment.

sudo docker stop home-assistant
sudo docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
sudo docker rm "home-assistant"
sudo docker run -d --name="home-assistant" --device /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0:rwm -v /volume2/docker/home-assistant:/config -v /volume2/docker/home-assistant/options.xml:/usr/src/app/build/python-openzwave/openzwave/config/options.xml -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant

thanks a lot for your sharingā€¦ actually I donā€™t have the zwave device so Iā€™m running it with this command

sudo docker run -d --name=ā€œhome-assistantā€ -v /volume1/docker/homeassistant/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant



I found this old topic while searching for a solution for the same problem. I also couldnā€™t find the option, but it seems DSM 6.2.3 now supports it!
I couldnā€™t find it while editing my existing container, but the option is there when creating a new one:

Thanks for the tip. Might re-look at it for a dev instance. Iā€™ve been using NUCā€™s for my production unit for a while now with no looking back.