I’m really new to Docker and I just set up my first Docker installation on a Ubuntu 18.04 version with GUI.
I tried to search for installation guides but I don’t get across something that seems to be working for me.
I found this link: https://hub.docker.com/r/aaftio/face_recognition/ and tried doing a pull which succeded, but from there I’m clueless.
Could someone perhaps guide me through what I need to do on my Docker installation in order to set up the component afterwards in HA?
Yes. but i no longer have these or use this intergration
if you go to “services” under “developer tools” of HA frontend there is likely a service that notifies upon “known face”. It will show you any paramter needed or provided by this. You can utilize this service with the correct data parameter to Trigger your automation.
In the Automation Editor you will trigger as an EVENT
EVENT TYPE will be something like image_processing.found_face (this is guess)
DATA PARAMETERS will be like below (also guess since I dont use this and cannot see these in my HA)