Docker priority with Portainer

Hi All,

Is there a option to give docker images a priority within Portainer?
Some of my docker images are handful but don’t need that much priority then others…

Is this editable on portioner?


How would you achieve this with Docker CLI? I don’t see a priority-related option.

Please explain priority?

Priority starting, resources…?

Yes, what docker image start first, then the second etc…

You’ll probably need to look to docker compose and depends_on per

You can use docker-compose or - as Portainer calls it - a “Stack”. In docker-compose files (which are also used for stacks) you can declare dependencies and to some extend control the start order. But keep in mind, that a successfully started container does not necessarily mean, that the process inside the container is already running.

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This may be helpful as well
Docker also suggest using script to perform Heath check of dependent containers

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