i have set up home assistant through docker and currently I’m a bit stuck with the Shelly integration and CoIoT: I have installed a Shelly 2.5 and noticed, that it takes HA a very long time to pick up changes on the switches (up to 30 seconds). From reading around, I found out that I had to enable CoIoT in the Shellies and point them to the HA instance and the port 5683. I set up the Shelly accordingly, rebooted it and exposed the port 5683 through my docker-compose.yml so it could talk to HA. but the issue still persists. I went to see whats running on port 5683, but there isn’t actually running anything on that port within the HA container, that probably explains why it does not work.
This is the guide i followed:
I made sure nothing was running on the port in the container:
docker exec -it 5353a0f6d859 sh
/config # nc -lv -p 5683
listening on ...
/config # nc -lv -p 8123
nc: bind: Address in use # <- expected, the webserver runs on that port
How can I get HA to listen on that port and do whatever it is supposed to do there?