Docker Wyze Bridge Add New External Camera

I am trying to add a new wyze external camera to the Docker Wyze Bridge integration.

I am stumped at the point I can not get to the webui using: http://localhost:5000/. This produces the browser feedback of: This site can not be reached.

Additionally, I am thinking to adda new camera, fits step is to open the webui, added there, then verify I can see it in the docker wyze bridge in HA, then add a generic camera on my dashboard.

Firs things first - how get to the webui?

your help is appreciated.

Using ‘localhost’ will only work if your browser is on the same computer as HA is running. If it is running under Windows/Docker you may need to open the firewall. If you’re on another computer that is separate from the computer runing HA you’ll need to use the IP of the HA server or http://homeassistant.loca:5000

Well, no joy. I am on a separate computer, tried http:homeassistant.local:5000, and was asked for my username and pwd, entered both, but it just continues to ask me for my username and pwd - stuck in a loop. I then tried the IP, same results.

I’ve been in the webUI before…as I configured the integration and did not ahve to adjust any firewall settings to get there.

When I go to Settings - Add-ons - Docker Wyze Bridge and select Open Web UI, I get my camera layout. Where is the config?

HA ! Found it !! I was not looking in the right place. The config is a tab at the top of the Web UI. Clearly new glasses are needed.

All is good for now. As with all requests for help, you made me think about what I was doing…and not doing ! Many thanks @steriku